Bill O'Reilly's audience is more dumb & poor than most others

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There's a hilarious story on CNN about Comedy Central's Daily Show kicking the asses of other tv and news shows in terms of audience intelligence and affluence. Apparently after O'Wrongly spewed a bunch of remarks about Jon Stewarts audience being druggies and slackers, Comedy Central commissioned their own study, only to find that his audience leaves O'Reilly's team of brain-dead trailer-dwellers in the dust. Ironically, the Daily Show's audience knew more about politics and current events than Fox News'.

The comprehensive report actually indicates that viewers of Comdey Central's "Daily Show" are more knowledgeable about current events than CNN and other news network viewers!

To add insult to injury, Mediamatters has an interesting expose of Bill O'Reilly's outright lie over an American boycott of France and an enterprising web guy put up a funny site parodying O'Reilly's false assertion.




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