Bill O'Reilly Gets A Dose Of His Own Medicine

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Lately Bill O'Reilly has had a boner for the Democratic blogging site DailyKOS. He's obsessed to the point of having people harass the CEO of JetBlue at his home, for having the audacity to sponsor a gathering of this blog community. The DailyKOS people decided payback was a bitch...

After O'Reilly provided an "accountability moment" to the JetBlue CEO at his home, I decided to provide O'Reilly with his own accountability moment at his home.

I've just returned to home base.

I've got video of O'Reilly in his sleepwear (red shorts and a white t-shirt). I delivered the Andrea Mackris Court filings to all of his neighors - every home in his development got a copy. And I put a bunch of signs up along his street - "Bill O'Reilly: Andrea Mackris has your cash" directly across from his house; "Bill O'Reilly: PERVERT" in front of his home; "Bill O'Reilly: CHEATER" on the road he must take to exit his development and "Bill O'Reilly: Can't be trusted with your daughters" at the landmark boulder marking the entrance to his development.

We had an interesting conversation - not too explosive, but I think a lot of people will be entertained.

And here's Senator Dodd's trampling of O'Reilly on his own show:



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