Buy a House, Get a Gun

Posted by wizeGurl (8436 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A real estate agent in the Houston, Texas area (Texas, how surprising) is offering a new incentive to those who buy a house for over $150,000--a brand-new, shiny Glock handgun to protect it with.*

As if it's not bad enough making arrangements so that the blind can enjoy a little gunplay, now guns make the perfect Lone Star state housewarming gift. Who needs a pie when you've got a gun? You can TAKE any pie you want when you're well-armed.

The guns cost the real estate agent about $500 each, and are much easier to show off than new carpets or fresh paint. In Texas, no license is required to carry a handgun (or a rifle, or a shotgun...hey, a shotgun would be better for those blind hunters, right?) unless it's concealed.

So far, the agent has given away two guns to lucky new homeowners. After all, nothing says home like the warm smell of gunpowder.

*Mercifully, this offer is open only to those in law enforcement. Because policemen and state troopers never, ever use their guns for evil after they leave work.



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