Teenager Repellent and Ringtones

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The sales pitch goes, "Mosquito is a teenager repellent - an ultrasonic device that emits a sound only audible to teenagers. It's targeted to business seeking a solution to anti social youths hanging in front of their stores fronts and driving their customers away. The box is installed in front of a store and emits an unbearable sound, only discernable to those under 20! driving them away."

To make matters even more amusing, this high-pitched alarm which cannot be heard by adults has been hijacked by schoolchildren to create ringtones so they can get away with using phones in class.

Techno-savvy pupils have adapted the Mosquito alarm, used to drive teenage gangs away from shopping centres.

They can receive calls and texts during lessons without teachers having the faintest idea what is going on

The alarm, which has been praised by police, is highly effective because its ultra-high sound can be heard only by youths but not by most people over 20.

Schoolchildren have recorded the sound, which they named Teen Buzz, and spread it from phone to phone via text messages and Bluetooth technology.

Now they can receive calls and texts during lessons without teachers having the faintest idea what is going on.

A secondary school teacher in Cardiff said: 'All the kids were laughing about something, but I didn't know what. They know phones must be turned off during school. They could all hear somebody's phone ringing but I couldn't hear a thing.

'One of the other children told me all about it later. I couldn't be too cross, because it shows resourcefulness.'

The Mosquito technology is said to play on a medical phenomenon called presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss.

It is thought to begin at 20 and first affect the highest frequencies – 18 to 20kHz.

The device was developed by Merthyr Tydfil-based Compound Security.

Boss Howard Stapleton said: 'I think it is a giggle. A teacher would be able to hear the sound only from 1m away. Teenagers could hear it from much further away.'

Can you hear the sound? In the upper frequencies those with sensitive hearing can identify it. I can hear it very clearly and it's terribly annoying. Though I'm not sure teenagers these days haven't damaged their hearing to the point were they cannot hear this.



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