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Bashing gays has proven rather successful for the Bush administration. Just one problem. VP Dick 'Dick' Cheney has a lesbian daughter.

A reality TV show on the Cheney family get togethers would be rather more interesting than, say, Survivor. Cheney daughter: "Dad, when you said that you supported Bush, I *had* assumed you meant 'bush', and freedom to do with bush what you want." Cheney: "Er, Freedom means freedom for everyone, dear. Er, as I said to the gentle townsfolk of Davenport...By the way, have you tried the new Kellogg Brown and Root, breakfast cereal-style prosthetic love aid? Just say no to Penis envy!" Just another example of what henceforth will be known as the Nancy Reagan syndrome. Oppose stem cell research until someone you love could benefit from it. Then 'flip flop' and decide to throw out all that fundamentalist fluff that gets in the way of what you want. Ditto, Cheney. Republican family values until your own personal circumstances dictate otherwise. On the other hand, maybe oil has been discovered on the Greek island of Lesbos.,3604,1290433,00.html


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