PATH: BS | National Security
Keith Olbermann Lets Coward Sean Hannity Of The Hook
Posted by Pile
(12295 views) [E-Mail link]
Last month on his Fox News show, torture enthusiast Sean Hannity claimed he would agree to be waterboarded "for charity for the troops's families." MSNBC's Keith Olbermann immediately took up Hannity's pledge, offering $1,000 to charity for every second Hannity withstood waterboarding.
Over the next 30 days, Hannity went completely silent on his pledge, opting not to go anywhere near the subject of waterboarding again. Olbermann repeatedly reminded Hannity of his pledge to donate to charity in his name, but to no avail.
Last night on Countdown, Olbermann announced that he was rescinding the offer to Hannity, and instead giving $10,000 to charity following radio host Erich 'Mancow' Muller's waterboarding attempt. Olbermann promised to donate to the charity Veterans of Valor, founded by Sgt. Klay South, who administered the waterboarding to Muller. Olbermann revealed that Mancow's publicist had contacted Olbermann's show yesterday to see whether Olbermann would make a similar offer to Mancow as he did for Hannity. |
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Israel Goes High Tech With Online Astroturfing
Posted by Pile
(12965 views) [E-Mail link]

Do you ever wonder how such a small minority has so much power online and in the media? Here's one reason:
The Megaphone desktop tool is a Windows "action alert" tool developed by give Israel the appearance of large scale online support. The tool is distributed by the World Union of Jewish Students, World Jewish Congress, The Jewish Agency for Israel, World Zionist Organization, StandWithUs, Hasbara fellowships, HonestReporting, and other pro-Israel public relations, media watchdog, or activism organizations. The tool delivers real-time alerts about key articles, videos, blogs, and surveys related to Israel or the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially those perceived by GIYUS (which stands for Give Israel Your United Support) to be highly critical of Israel, so that users can vote or add comments expressing their support of Israel.
The Megaphone Desktop Tool gives the user the option of going to a particular site with a poll, and if the user chooses to go to the site, the software then casts a vote automatically, when this is technically feasible. The vote is chosen automatically by the distributors of Megaphone. |
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