PATH: BS | National Security

United States Is the 83rd Most Peaceful Nation On Earth

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The Vision of Humanity organization created a "Peace Index" that ranks the nations of the world by their peacefulness and identifies some of the drivers of that peace. Who's number one? New Zealand. And the US is right behind such greats as Bolivia, Bahrain, Indonesia, Nambia and China.

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Keith Olbermann Lets Coward Sean Hannity Of The Hook

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Last month on his Fox News show, torture enthusiast Sean Hannity claimed he would agree to be waterboarded "for charity for the troops's families." MSNBC's Keith Olbermann immediately took up Hannity's pledge, offering $1,000 to charity for every second Hannity withstood waterboarding.

Over the next 30 days, Hannity went completely silent on his pledge, opting not to go anywhere near the subject of waterboarding again. Olbermann repeatedly reminded Hannity of his pledge to donate to charity in his name, but to no avail.

Last night on Countdown, Olbermann announced that he was rescinding the offer to Hannity, and instead giving $10,000 to charity following radio host Erich 'Mancow' Muller's waterboarding attempt. Olbermann promised to donate to the charity Veterans of Valor, founded by Sgt. Klay South, who administered the waterboarding to Muller. Olbermann revealed that Mancow's publicist had contacted Olbermann's show yesterday to see whether Olbermann would make a similar offer to Mancow as he did for Hannity.

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Israel Goes High Tech With Online Astroturfing

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Do you ever wonder how such a small minority has so much power online and in the media? Here's one reason:

The Megaphone desktop tool is a Windows "action alert" tool developed by give Israel the appearance of large scale online support. The tool is distributed by the World Union of Jewish Students, World Jewish Congress, The Jewish Agency for Israel, World Zionist Organization, StandWithUs, Hasbara fellowships, HonestReporting, and other pro-Israel public relations, media watchdog, or activism organizations. The tool delivers real-time alerts about key articles, videos, blogs, and surveys related to Israel or the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially those perceived by GIYUS (which stands for Give Israel Your United Support) to be highly critical of Israel, so that users can vote or add comments expressing their support of Israel.

The Megaphone Desktop Tool gives the user the option of going to a particular site with a poll, and if the user chooses to go to the site, the software then casts a vote automatically, when this is technically feasible. The vote is chosen automatically by the distributors of Megaphone.

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Is The Government Rewarding Speculators And Penalizing Savers?

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Max Keiser looks at the ongoing financial crisis and asks whether the government and Central Bank remedies are penalizing workers and savers.

Is this what capitalism is ultimately all about? Not saving money and creating solid wealth and equity, but continually leveraging what you have to get more without a solid foundation? And in the current economic mess, are the people who were responsible with debt and their money the ones who are getting the worst deal?

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Electronic Voting Machines Flipping Votes Caught On Video

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Despite overwhelming complaints over the past decade on the security and integrity of electronic voting machines, there still seems to be serious issues. Take a look at this video where someone is demonstrating how the machines work (and how reliable they are) and see what happens...

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How to speak "Palinese"

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There's a new dialect that can be witnessed in mainstream media news and talk radio. It's called "Palinese." Here's how you too, can speak it...

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The Most Dangerous Moment In Human History

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Ever wonder when the most dangerous moment in human history was? During our lifetime...

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Is John McCain Electable?

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I think if there's one illusion the American people are going to be sold during the election season, it's the degree to which we're told that John McCain has a legitimate, viable chance of becoming elected president. Do most Americans really want war with Iran and a hundred years in Iraq? Check out this video which poignantly addresses the issue.

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Real Life "Private Ryan" Screwed By Military

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Forced to leave the combat zone after his two brothers died in the Iraq war, Army Spc. Jason Hubbard faced another battle once he returned home: The military cut off his family's health care, stopped his G.I. educational subsidies and wanted him to repay his sign-up bonus.


Go On An Iraq War Shopping Spree!

Posted by Pile (11845 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The occupation of Iraq will cost $3 trillion, America's most expensive conflict since WWII.
Can YOU spend that money better?
Here's your chance to go on a virtual $3 trillion shopping spree and prove it!

Browse our online store, fill up your cart, click the checkout button, and send virtual gifts to everyone you know.

A private island fortress? Healthcare for all? Anything you can imagine, and if you can't find it, add it yourself!

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