Bush's Secret And Illegal Spying Campaign

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In what some are calling a scandal that makes Watergate look like a parking ticket, two years ago, George W. Bush went behind the back of the American people and secretly authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to carry out surveillance of people throughout the United States.

The secret presidential edict, revealed yesterday in the New York Times, allowed massive spying, surveillance of phone calls and peoples' homes without any evidence of criminal activity, and without court order. This complete violation of the Bill of Rights was ordered without congressional debate or judicial scrutiny and oversight. It was Bush's secret, a hidden and criminal violation of peoples' constitutional rights.

Bush's secret action is a violation of federal wiretapping law, the Privacy Act and a violation of the Fourth Amendment. What remedy exists when the President violates federal law and trashes the Bill of Rights? The remedy provided by the Constitution is impeachment.

This latest bombshell follows a pattern well known by all those who are demanding that Congress defend the Constitution through impeachment. Bush cynically used September 11 to violate the most important tenets of the US Constitution and international law. The war of aggression in Iraq, the establishment of a global network of secret prisons and torture centers, the unleashing of secret police spying on citizens and non-citizens alike, the evisceration of due process rights and the systematic lying to Congress and to the people about the reasons for the launch of the Iraq war - these constitute the essential case for impeachment.

The American people are demanding in ever greater numbers that the constitutional mechanism that holds high officials accountable for criminal activity be immediately applied. The idea promoted by some that Bush is too strong to be impeached is sheer nonsense and it defies the historical record. Richard Nixon was on the verge of being impeached in the last half of his second term and not long after, he won a landslide majority in the 1972 election. Clinton too was impeached in the second half of his second term, on the allegation of perjury, when he had an approval rating of 60%.

Today Bush's approval rating is hovering around 40%, the majority of the people believe Congress should vote to impeach if Bush lied about the reasons for going to war, and now millions more are shocked that Bush secretly authorized the most powerful spy agency to spy on anyone it wanted too without court order or evidence of criminal wrong doing.

The Bush White House, in its very essence, is the negation of democracy. The people must not stand by and let cherished freedoms protected by the Constitution, be stripped away in secret.

There is an ever-increasing movement to run ads and call attention to the atrocities committed by the administration that the mainstream media is downplaying. You can do your part.

Will the real journalists please stand up??


Stupid Americans? About 70% anyway...
Posted by Chris U - Las Vegas on 2005-12-18 20:41:02
It seems some of our countrymen trust terrorists not to terrorize us MORE than they trust our own government to do the right thing with information gathered by monitoring a select subset of communications. Stupid. Consider yourself NOTIFIED, if you plan on communicating something you don't want the government to know about over the PUBLIC infrastructure, it may intercepted. The intent of having privacy is surely not to facilitate secret illegal acts, and if you must, do it some other way so officials have a chance of intercepting those who wish to harm US. The stupid stuff about the President's acts being "illegal" is truly funny to those who know better, and fueling a pointless fire under those who don't or can't get it (think IQ bellcurve).
This is what i'm talking about.
Posted by Kizzy on 2005-12-20 06:41:21
We the people search for so much,and still no so little about the way our nation is run...we find out about scandles months/years in some cases after and even then it's all so systematic that they have set contengency plan for the contengency plan.The truth is hiddin in plain sight and in lies.what can we do?It's like there's sights like this that are great,nevertheless is seems we still have no voice due to our great media centers witch take great pride in covering missing rich girl,high profile parent child care cases....Please excuse my grammer and such
illegal is illegal
Posted by Stan A on 2005-12-20 14:47:28
What part of "illegal" do you not understand Chris? Just because they can spin this issue in such a way as to tug on the heartstrings of stupid sheep who think this will help "the war on terror" does not take away from the fact that we have THREE branches of government, designed to provide checks-and-balances so that no single branch can take it upon themselves to infringe upon the Constitutional rights of its citizens!

If you don't have a problem with violations of peoples Constitutional rights, then you should move to a country like China or Saudi Arabia, where they don't have laws which dictate that the government must have approval from the people and their numerous representatives before it takes away their civil liberties!

So shut the f*ck up, re-educate yourself and admit your original post was stupid and ignorant, or move to China where the government can do what you think is OK. But NOT HERE IN AMERICA! Understand? We don't want people like you who don't respect the Constitution and think that the president can take away peoples civil liberties at will, without due process. That's wrong, and if you believe that, get the f*ck out of this country!
Chris U Motherf*cker
Posted by Bryan Vovk on 2005-12-20 20:38:59
I just wanted to rant a little bit about what's wrong with Chris' picture. One, I can tell that you are a stupid son-of-a-bitch American just by your gramatical and spelling errors. I mean, if you're going to write something to pass yourself off as educated, you could at least proofread.

Second, not everything the government does is right. Do you even realize how many countries hate us with just cause? Time and time again the United States has been a bastard, pushing its weight around to prove its the best. But now, instead of being a dick to another country, Bush is being a dick to all of us who live in this "great" land and all you have to say about it is, "Americans are stupid, appearently they trust terrorists more than their own government." You're a dick.

Our entire political system is corrupt because of people like you, because you think the government can't fail. I have news for you. You think we live in a democracy. This is wrong. We live in an aristocracy. Yes. In an aristocracy, the political power is in the hands of the wealthy. Anyone who wants any political office has to either be rich or seek finacial help from corporations and then become a puppet to those corporations after he/she is elected.

Now, let's talk about your vote for president. Where does your vote go? Oh wait, it doesn't go anywhere. The electoral colleges vote for your president. Democracy? Bullshit.

Bush has wronged Americans time and time again, and it's time to take a stand.
Its not a bell curve, W is the mark of the snake
Posted by turk_182 on 2005-12-21 00:41:13
If it was about terrorism Osama and his Momma would be in jail by now. Remember the government of the people by the people and for the people, well Grover Norquist and the Neo-con-artists are drowning it in a bathtub. What did you think they would do after they stole the 2000 election, the right thing, or the right wing thing? When Dr. Rice called the August 01 P.D.B. a historic document she meant like the Constitution that was then this is now. The Bush wackers and the Terrorists have done so much for each other King George got Homeboy Security Club and huge contracts for haliburton and carlyle group and
Osama got more fresh meat. The real enemy is the working class, we die in the wars we work harder for less, bankrupcy is harder, everything costs more and the way they've been spending and cutting taxes for their buddies got any idea who's going to get stuck with the bill.
what now?
Posted by Stan A on 2005-12-21 01:03:30
I don't doubt you Turk, but what do you suggest?

It's obvious the middle class are being ass-raped. (the lower class have been ass-raped since day one)

What's your solution?
Time to call a specialist (FUBAR)
Posted by turk_182 on 2005-12-27 01:13:30
There's never a special prosecutor around when you really need one. They made such a stink about the pledge of allegiance and then turned it into a joke. WITH LIBERTY, if you have some thing to say please go to the free speech zone 5 miles out of town, AND JUSTICE , haliburton loses million$ and gets more contracts to do the same in New Orleans you try that with IRS, FOR ALL, Pvt. Eddy Slovack got the firing squad for desertion, king george got to do it again. The only way to fix it is to clean house the White House and the House of Congress but the elections are fixed. I guess election reform would have to come first, then the fairness doctrine and the media monopolies. Large mulinational corporations can't be trusted for true, acurate and relevant information its like hand feeding a shark a potato their not vegetarins.


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