LA Republicans Launch Bumper Sticker Compaign Against Blanco

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In what appears to be the first shot of the next governor's election, the Louisiana Republican Party is selling a bumper sticker that read, "Don't blame me. I voted for Jindal."

With Kathleen Blanco low in the polls, potential candidates are already jockeying for the campaign. Names being uttered in political circles as potential candidates are Jindal, Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu and U.S. Sen. David Vitter. The election is in 2007


Fact : IQ correlation with political party
Posted by Chris on 2005-12-06 06:23:15
Does anyone out there understand the strong correlation between IQ and political party. You think the Dummycrats would shut-up and let the smart people handle things. The fact is: Republicans have a 30% higher IQ score. It's like they're having to explaining things to a child that just can not comprehend. Hopefully, like a child, they will get it in the future, and thank the smart people for taking this country the smarter way. Think bellcurve...everyone is NOT EQUAL...this is not a joke, accept reality here and let the Republicans handle things for everyone's benefit.
Say What
Posted by PinkElephantsShouldNotBeLetRunAroundLikeThis on 2005-12-06 17:36:01
you think that republican'ts are better then democrats? ura total moron. seriously. look at the pansy-ass leading our country to being enemies to 3/4 the countries in the world. and there is no possible way Curious George W. Bush is smarter than a flippin' 3 year old. nucler? he cant even say it.

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