Shopping Mall Caves In To Cluster Of Overly Sensitive Idiots

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Everyone knows what went down in New Orleans with hurricane Katrina, so when the largest mall in the area, Lakeside Shopping Center, did their annual Christmas Village display, the architect created a unique town, complete with tarp-covered roofs, debris, patrolling guardsmen in Humvees and helicopters rescuing people. The majority of those that saw the little display loved it. But that didn't stop the mall management from caving in to a small group of whiners who apparently complained that the display was in poor taste. So down it went, and patrons continued to flock to see the display only to find out the politically-correct Lakeside Mall pulled the local character from the display.

For Frank Evans, designer of Lakeside Shopping Center's holiday display, getting into the spirit of the season this year meant building a Christmas village that riffed on the post-Katrina landscape.

He created a winter wonderland replete not only with churchgoers and trains, but also abandoned refrigerators, houses covered in blue tarpaulins and a storm victim suspended from a helicopter.

Shoppers paused to enjoy the tongue-in-cheek cheer. Some of them did, anyway.

Evans, a landscape architect who has crafted the display for 13 years, removed some of the 2005 features Tuesday on orders from mall management, which said some patrons failed to see the joke. Tricia Thriffiley, Lakeside's marketing director, issued a statement saying that the mall did not "conceive or install" the decorations and did not intend to "hurt anyone's feelings."

"We apologize to those customers who were offended," she said.

The mood was somber around the wintry display Tuesday afternoon. Juanita Landau, who ran the model trains around the dismantled village, said the whole situation was a spoiler for those who had tried to keep up the spirits of shoppers.

"A lot of us are really disappointed," she said, as she offered train rides to children for $1. "It made people light-hearted to see it."

Even Santa Claus, in between sittings with wishful children, complained that some people had no respect for Christmas or free speech.

"I think this is terrible," said Santa, a Metairie resident usually known as John Vollenweider. "It was not done to hurt anyone. It was not done maliciously. This was a sign of the times."


Protest this by contacting mall management:


Posted by wizeGurl on 2005-12-01 11:34:33
What total idiocy. I could maybe understand it if the display featured floating bodies or crowds of starving poor people at the Convention Center, but it didn't. The closest it came was the person being airlifted by helicopter, and I'm thinking that anyone who WAS airlifted by helicopter probably considered that an event worth celebrating (the rescue, not the situation that made it necessary--which was NOT shown in the display).

Let's make a point of patronizing the merchants who keep a sense of humor, not giant chains in malls who dare not "offend" people who want to pretend nothing bad ever happens.
Posted by i belive in B.S on 2005-12-02 13:28:43
that is the most hilariouse thin that i have ever heard. that really is b.s
i lOvE tHiS
Posted by uR mOm hEhE on 2005-12-04 19:06:37
hAhA iTs So FuNnY !
Posted by PinkElephantsShouldNotBeLetRunAroundLikeThis on 2005-12-06 17:40:16
r u guys nazis? thats disgusting and that man who built that should be shot 4 times in the head and stabbed 3 in the back.
Posted by Ipzak on 2005-12-14 23:51:06
Amazing that morons like Pinkelephants can actually figure out how to use a keyboard.


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