Brit Could Face 10 Years In Prison For Having The Wrong Opinion

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Prosecutors on Tuesday filed charges against British historian David Irving for allegedly violating an Austrian law that makes Holocaust denial a crime, an official said.

You may disagree with the guy's opinion, but it's still hard to justify a prison sentence for having an opinion, however politically-incorrect it may be.



Posted by lep on 2005-11-28 12:49:24
It may seem over the top, but denial of history is dangerous to a country and its citizens. One of the main reasons that law exists is because rewriting history to blame the Jews (and other non-approved races) for Germany's fate is one of the things that was responsible for World War II, or at least one of the things responsible for it getting as nasty as it did.
Holocaust denial may be the symptom, as opposed to the disease itself, but it's dangerous in its own right.
Posted by Joe on 2005-11-28 13:41:55
Freedom of speech should take precedence over political issues.
If someone wants to say that Man ever landed on the Moon, that's his right.
If someone wants to say that no U.S. troops ever went to Vietnam, that, too, is his right, even though he would be clearly incorrect regarding his opinion.
Overwhelming evidence clearly states that the Nazis murdered millions in the camps - this most people with common sense accept; however, if someone should disagree with history and publicly deny it, they should not go to jail for it, simply because it offends certain people.
Once you start down this road, people will be able to throw you in jail for having a differing opinion on any little thing - and THAT is more dangerous than any Holocaust revisionism ever could be.
Posted by Stan A on 2005-11-29 17:51:45
There were times and places in history where if you said you didn't believe in Jesus you'd be killed.

Looks like what goes around, comes around.


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