M.I.T. Study Exposes Truth About Tin-Foil Hats

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[Dubious Research]
A study at MIT has found that aluminum foil headwear ("Among a fringe community of paranoids..the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals") actually amplifies certain frequency bands allocated to the US government, as well as a mobile phone range, and is largely ineffective through the rest of the radio spectrum. But we can we trust the study, or are They controlling the researchers?



Theory #265
Posted by SN Man on 2005-11-11 13:10:18
OOOOOH YES! The smarmy little MIT punk who thinks he has all the answers! Oh, but what about the OTHER WAVES?! "They" have mastered intergalactic transportation and mass psychic brain wave manipulation, and your testing it out on our puny little human wavelengths?! BAH! "They" are on a whole other level, like, a whole other level on another UNIVERSE! Gosh! Flippin' idiots!

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