Introducing... The Catbib!

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
The CatBib is a unique, patented product that prevents your cat from catching and killing wildbirds... simply, safely, effectively, and inexpensively!

This is a product that should match well with animal psychocologist services. There's nothing like stripping your pet of any remaining shred of dignity.



I hate cats
Posted by turk_182 on 2005-11-08 01:18:45
Did you ever wonder why they named it a catapult, not rockapult.
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-11-08 10:43:46
Wouldn't a bell on the collar do the same thing without making your cat feel like a freak?
bells don't work
Posted by Anon2 on 2007-04-11 01:05:51
Cats soon work out how to stop the bell making any sound when they're stalking. I've known a cat with multiple (three) bells still be able to kill birds :-(
Posted by Mark Simmonds on 2007-04-18 23:34:41
My cat had 4 bells and still caught a bird a day, I swear by the catbib,and now that the cat is used to it hes not bothered by it at all. When he sleeps he flicks it over his face and sleeps peacefully.I cant beleive such a simple idea works so well. But it does!
Posted by Big Joe on 2007-07-11 15:34:15
As if my cat did not have enough problem with the neutering ,now I have to destroy any shreds of self-respect he may have left.

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