New Jersey Churns Out Taxpayer-Funded Fake News

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The mayor and city council of Newark, New Jersey "hired a fledging newspaper called Newark Weekly News to publish 'positive news' about the city - and will pay $100,000 over the next year for it." The no-bid contract specifies that the paper will "generate stories based on leads" from the mayor's spokesperson and city communications staff. A senior scholar at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies said, "If you are publishing government propaganda in the guise of neutral, detached reporting, that's about as unethical as you can get."

Today's Top Stories:
* Scientists now say that smelling garbage improves your immune system.
* Lap dances are 2-for-1 at all Newark strip clubs throughout October.
* Newark New Jersey now ranked as most desireable place to live in the world.



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