Turn Your Dead Loved One Into Jewelry

Posted by Pile (10531 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Everyone said she was a gem. Now, just eight ounces of cremated remains is all it takes to turn your mother into a diamond. LifeGem uses super-hot ovens to transform ashes to graphite and then presses the stone into blue and yellow diamonds that retail for anywhere from 2,700 to 20,000 dollars.



Posted by dfds on 2005-10-08 18:44:47
This is great....
Posted by smod1 on 2005-12-09 14:49:36
The perfect gift for the little brat (and we all know one) that even while living had Mom/Dad wrapped around their little finger! ........ Hey bubba... how's the family?
Dumb Idea
Posted by Miquel on 2005-12-22 21:56:49
THis is stupid. if you died would you want to be on someones finger all day. i wouldn't

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