Mich. Teens Set TV Viewing World Record

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Two teens in Grand Rapids have set the new standard for America's young, by watching 52 hours of consecutive television and are awaiting verification of a new world record... and a year's supply of rice-a-roni.


Get a Life!
Posted by notthefirsttime on 2004-08-20 00:56:14
Geez! Teenageers watching TV for 52 hours straight? And how many have probably already done it, just not in a public place? Personally, if I took shots of Maple Syrup around the clock, staying up 50+ hours would be nothing... It's called a sugar high. Why don't they try to set a record doing something "productive" for 50+ hours and not just watching the "idiot" box!
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-08-20 07:39:32
that's frikkin awesome...i just aint got that kinda stamina...your can get world records for stupid stuff like that?
Those proud parents!
Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-08-23 13:31:04
It's so nice that the boys have the support of their parents in this endeavor. As one parent said, "He has to be good at something." What a relief that their son is good at staring passively at a TV screen while eating pancakes. There are lots of good jobs requiring those skills. Yes, ones with health care benefits, too, for when the diabetes kicks in.

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