Camp Bush does it again ---more on 'evil judges'

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Once again, the Bush Administration is busy trying to change laws while we're not paying attention.

This time, the Bush Administration is trying to use the Homeland Security Act to undermine labor laws in cases of national "emergency". These would be the same laws which our working public have spent decades shaping, so that they are protected in their jobs and in the workplace.

The Administration has the idea that, during times of emergency, they should be able to override any collective bargaining agreements previously made. Luckily, a Federal Court judge was paying attention, and put a hold on this for the following reason: the nature of an Agreement, is that two different parties agreed to the terms; it makes NO SENSE that ONE of the parties can thereafter just change the terms of the agreement--at its own discretion.

One of the most dangerous things happening in our societal mind right now is the NOTION that judges are power-mongering folks who are trying to interpret laws instead of just making people follow them. The average public has no conception (and understandably so) of the fact that few laws are 'black & white.' If they were, we would not need judges. But they aren't, and thus REQUIRE interpretation! This is the judge's job! And this case is a good example of how a judge can protect the working public (who would virtually be 'slaves' if not for many of the labor laws which currently protect them). How many of you out there rely on your 'rights' in the workplace?? (and who assume those rights will never change?)

So next time you see one of those media stories on 'evil judges' ---PAY ATTENTION---do your duty as a citizen and BE INFORMED.




Posted by k fields on 2005-08-25 23:24:55
i hate bush, i told people if they voted for bush we would see higher gas prices.
Posted by angelwings on 2005-09-14 01:47:00
I don't agree with alot of what Bush does.This is one of those things.
When he starts on the judges and they r the ones who listen to the court cases and put in the time on each case I think they should be the ones to make these discisions.There r just some things that should be done by other people the president can't make all the dicisions.This isn't a dictatorship.This is America and we r going to diagree on things.
But, these judges need to stay n place.


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