Just In Case You Forgot What Happened On Sept. 11th...

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[Beating Dead Horses]
[News Media]
The New York Times calls it "a rich vein of city records." Akin to gold??

Others might find such a characterization offensive and inappropriate. Whatever you want to call it, the city of New York is making public a large array of transcriptions and recordings of the pandemonium during Sept. 11th, as if any of us need to be reminded that people suffered and died. So be prepared to have your senses bludgeoned with a blitz of suffering, all ultimately designed to distract and lure eyeballs to commercial sponsors.

Already in "heavy rotation" is the recording of a New Yorker trapped under a fire truck, calling 911 from a cell phone, saying he won't be able to breathe much longer. Thanks for sharing CNN. Thanks for exploiting the suffering of thousands.



Posted by Anonymous on 2005-08-14 18:49:01
thats some pretty sick shit
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-08-14 22:13:41
Actually, the city only released these records when the media AND many families of the victims sued and won their release. The city didn't want to make them public because they revealed just how screwed up the response was...how many lives were lost becasue of things like incompatible communications systems.

Not that CNN won't use them for its own purposes, but if this were just about exploiting the tragedy, we'd have heard all of these tapes in solid rotation right before the invasion of Iraq (even though Iraq had nothing to do with the WTC).
Posted by muhammad ihera idahid on 2005-08-15 14:19:58
Yea i can't believe that that happened. I never knew a thing about these attacks. Well i have to go beat my wife and kids with a bat...and clean up a couple of hundread pounds of shit that just came out of my cows ass and flew all over the floor. Wish me luck...thanks. Alah Halugbah!

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