New Keyboard Eases Hand Strain, Increases Wallet Strain

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Repetitive strain injury may be the scourge of the modern computerized workplace, but the engineers at Maltron Keyboards have introduced The Maltron Ergonomic 3D, which "has a concave shape that does away with the straight, staggered rows of keys on conventional keyboards, making greater use of the thumb and offering easier access to the backspace key." However, before you can use it, you need to have greater access to large amounts of money because you'll spend a whopping $495 for this thing.



It comes with lessons, right?
Posted by FrankA on 2005-08-02 21:16:44
For that price I expect tech support to show up at my door and give me ten free lessons.

Sheesh! It's a keyboard, not a new computer.
f*ck frankA im better
Posted by FrankB on 2005-08-14 18:46:40
you f*cking computer nerd the only reason u get hand strains is cos your a f*cking wanker stop pulling you dick u loser how the f*ck is on the computer that long that they get hand strain your all f*cking losers go f*ck yourself
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-08-15 10:29:59
i bet hes never had a girlfriend so he goes online to websites where hes not wanted to pick fights with people.....
Posted by FrankC on 2006-12-01 17:49:38
Ignore FrankB, he's inbred.

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