Grandma Sues Game Manufacturer

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[Bad Parents]
I had to create a new category just for this story it got me so worked up.

Florence Cohen, 85, of New York, upset that she bought the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" for her 14-year-old grandson without knowing it contained hidden, sexually explicit scenes sued the manufacturer Wednesday on behalf of consumers nationwide.

Never mind that the game depicts prostitution, murder, cop-killing, rampant violence, illegality and anarchy in urban streets. This irresponsible parental figure got the game for her grandson and only got upset when it was discovered that there was nudity within? Nudity that couldn't be accessed without major modifications to the game?

Florence Cohen, 85, of New York, said in the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan that the game's manufacturer, Rockstar Games, and its parent company, New York-based Take Two Interactive Software Inc., engaged in false, misleading and deceptive practices.

She sought unspecified damages on behalf of herself and all consumers nationwide, saying the company should give up its profits from the game for what amounted to false advertising, consumer deception and unfair business practices.

Cohen said in the suit that she bought the game in late 2004 for her grandson when it was rated "M" for mature, for players 17 and older. According to the suit, she directed that it be taken away from her grandson, which was done.



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