Journalism Teacher Removed For Lewd Online Comments

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Boston Herald sports columnist, Michael Gee, A part-time journalism professor at Boston University was sumarily removed by the University after he published comments on a sports messageboard about how one of his students was "so hot" that it might interfere with his ability to properly deal with the rest of the class.

Here is what Gee wrote at on that day: “Today was my first day teaching course 308/722 at the Boston University Dept. of Jounralis (sic). There are six students, most of whom are probably smarter than me, but they DON'T READ THE PAPER!!! Not the Globe, Times, Herald or Wall Street Journal. I can shame them into reading, I guess, but why are they taking the course if they don't like to read

But I digress. Now here's the nub of my issue. Of my six students, one (the smartest, wouldn't you know it?) is incredibly hot. If you've ever been to Israel, she's got the sloe eyes and bitchin' bod of the true Sabra. It was all I could do to remember the other five students. I sense danger, Will Robinson.”

“Bitchin bod”? “Sloe eyes”? “Danger”? – He wasn’t a sports columnist, he was a Harlequin Romance writer. No wonder he wrote for Oui at one time.

The thread, interestingly, has since been removed from Gee, contacted by Scott’s Shots, would not comment publicly on the matter.



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