Fox Acquires

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New Corporation, run by Rupert Murdock & Co., which also owns Fox, has acquired Intermix Media, Inc., operators of the popular online community. This move heralds the formation of a new division within Murdock's empire, Fox Interactive Media. News Corp shelled out $580 Million in the transaction.

It wouldn't be difficult to speculate that the motive behind this was to recapture the audiences that have been lost to New Corp's other television, print and cinema divisions. The big question is whether people will start a mass exodus from MySpace if they start seeing Bill O'Reilly ads all over the place? Can we now expect to be "Fair and balanced?"



Posted by Anonymous on 2005-07-21 12:17:43
seriously now
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-07-21 23:38:13
f*ck fox. f*ck Murdick. f*ck em all.

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