Lucas Hints At Star Wars Prequel-Prequel

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[Beating Dead Horses]
No more than a week or two after Lucas adamantely claimed this was the end of the Star Wars movies, he is now hinting at doing a prequel to Episode I, proving that he has yet to beat the bloody pulp that was once a single great movie, into a steaming pile of medocrity designed to sell boxes of Frosted Mini Wheats and M&Ms.

Get your dead horses here


Posted by Katie on 2005-05-29 12:31:42
nobodylikes starwars or what ever it is stupid and there is no point of makeing any the movies or whatever!!!!!
Posted by Jeff Kamovich on 2005-06-01 23:39:43
The cereal industry loves it. Why not?
Posted by pop on 2005-06-02 19:35:20
I guess you didn't see "The Ewok adventure" and you listen to too many rumors nerd.
some shit
Posted by alex on 2005-06-07 14:03:48
this is bull shit
Posted by Peregrin Took on 2005-06-07 17:41:39
I am glad he is thinking about it. I love Star Wars and who cares if it sucks! Star Wars is Star Wars and plus, it wouldn't have Jar Jar in it so I already like it!

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