Now Hiring: Civilians to Protect U.S. Army

Posted by Pile (10311 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Are you a looking for extra money and new opportunities? Well you can work for a fat cat private contractor in Iraq protecting and supporting the US Military. Get paid more than $60,000 while the noble servicemen earn $23,000. Plus, free life insurance! And people wonder why enlistment figures are lagging?

What's really ironic about this is that our taxpayer dollars are paying for the under-funded serviceman, and at the same time, probably paying ten times more to companies like Halliburton who are outsourcing security to civilians and making even more money in the process. What's wrong with this picture?


More than just this
Posted by Kevin on 2005-05-11 10:28:27
i have gone over and over withmy wife about going to work over in Iraq for a 3-6 month tour through a private contractor. $3000.00 per day is enough to make anyone think about it. Blackwater is the foremost professional recruiting contractor but requires former police or military training. Many other agencies are hiring for security positions that make up almost 40% of the Americans over in Iraq right now.

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