Monsanto Rotten To The C.O.R.E.

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U.S. agribusiness giant Monsanto recently announced it was raising its earnings expectations. "Monsanto's genetically engineered seed sales are booming - a 20 per cent increase last quarter - and the company expects the growth to continue as it expands outside the U.S.. One reason may be Monsanto's extensive use of PR.

GM Watch's Jonathan Matthews looks at the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), a U.S.-based civil rights group that has all but sold out, with ties to Monsanto that has become an outspoken advocate of GE foods. Matthews reports on CORE's claims that the global environmental movement's opposition to biotech is "lethal eco-imperialism" and "devastates families and communities and kills millions every year." At CORE's annual Martin Luther King, Jr. dinner this year, they honored Karl Rove with a "Public Service Award." Monsanto's CEO Hugh Grant chaired the dinner with Option One Mortgage's president and CEO Bob Dubrish.

According to news reports, the "new" CORE spends much of its time promoting Monsanto's pro-genetically-engineered foods agenda and protesting against Greenpeace and activists that show up at ExxonMobil shareholder meetings. I'm not sure what any of that has to do with racial equality.



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