Schiavo Parents Sell-Out List Of Their Supporters

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Just in case there was any doubt among the integrity or intent of the "save Terri" movement, the parents of Terri Schiavo have authorized a conservative direct-mailing firm to sell a list of their financial supporters, making it likely that thousands of strangers moved by her plight will receive a steady stream of solicitations from anti-abortion and conservative groups.

"These compassionate pro-lifers donated toward Bob Schindler's legal battle to keep Terri's estranged husband from removing the feeding tube from Terri," says a description of the list on the Web site of the firm, Response Unlimited, which is asking $150 a month for 6,000 names and $500 a month for 4,000 e-mail addresses of people who responded last month to an e-mail plea from Ms. Schiavo's father. "These individuals are passionate about the way they value human life, adamantly oppose euthanasia and are pro-life in every sense of the word!"

Privacy experts said the sale of the list was legal and even predictable, if ghoulish.

"I think it's amusing," said Robert Gellman, a privacy and information policy consultant. "I think it's absolutely classic America. Everything is for sale in America, every type of personal information."

Executives of Response Unlimited declined to comment. Gary McCullough, director of the Christian Communication Network and a spokesman for Ms. Schiavo's parents, confirmed that Mr. Schindler had agreed to let Response Unlimited rent out the list as part of a deal for the firm to send an e-mail solicitation raising money on the family's behalf.



snagged from DailyKOS 'cause it's a great explanation
Posted by Pile on 2005-03-30 00:37:04
Calling her "Terri" is part of the infantilization of her -- you know, acting as if she could not as a grown woman have made her wishes clear to her husband back before she had her heart attack. It's also a way of avoiding calling her "Mrs. Schiavo," which would remind everyone that Michael Schiavo really is her, you know, legal guardian.
Posted by gully foyle on 2005-03-30 15:25:36
hey you----
did ja ever hear of support groups, altruism, do unto others!!!

apparently not,,,,
Posted by hmph on 2005-03-31 10:53:40
"Do unto others" is exactly why I expect that her wish to not be kept alive in that state will be respected.
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-04-14 20:57:02
Lets put it into the simplest terms if you are a christian.

Would you rather sit in a bed as a vegetable, or, would you rather go to heaven? (or if you are some other religion wherever the "good" place is.
Posted by Chester on 2005-04-15 10:56:06
Christian my heiny.
can we say HIPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!?!

i don't like u
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-04-15 22:48:46
How am I a hypocrite?
Posted by mike on 2005-04-19 08:11:18
no matter what, I think she should have been kept alive, because there was a very good chance that God would have given her a miracle and she would recover and then I bet you she would tell you that she wanted to live. Every christian wants to go to heaven, well, everyone wants to make it to heaven, unless they don't believe in it. But everyone still wants to live a good life on earth first, to make this a better place, and I bet you any money she wanted to live, and if she didn't, I still doubt she wanted to die by starvation, thats m.u.r.d.e.r.
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-04-19 18:53:19
Would u rather die of starvation, with honor, or slowly waste away like a plant in the desert with no honor?

By the way, its was proven that Mr. God would not give Ms. Shiavo a chance in hell to live.

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