What's the Secret to Happiness?

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Sex or Money?

From My WebMD, After analyzing data on the self-reported levels of sexual activity and happiness of 16,000 people, Dartmouth College economist David Blachflower and Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in England report that sex "enters so strongly (and) positively in happiness equations" that they estimate increasing intercourse from once a month to once a week is equivalent to the amount of happiness generated by getting an additional $50,000 in income for the average American.

Their paper, "Money, Sex, and Happiness: An Empirical Study," recently published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, basically puts an estimated dollar amount on the happiness level resulting from sex.


Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-08-05 17:51:18
I gotta get me a raise!
My answer
Posted by Admin on 2004-08-05 17:58:56

Sex makes you happy for about 11 seconds. Money actually makes you miserable, as the more you have, the more worried you are that you'll lose it. If you think about what the definition of happiness is, it's basically the absence of stress. So simplicity, and being able to enjoy any moment would be the thing to strive for to be truly "happy." Not that I know anyong who's actually managed to do that of course.
Posted by Bullwinkle on 2004-08-11 14:01:39
It's a testament to how superficial society is when they want to put a dollar amount on lovemaking.

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