Media lights "bloggergate" smoke bomb over Bush media payoff

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We broke the story here about conserva-pundit Armstrong Williams' humongeous payola received from the Bush administration for promoting his "No Child Left Behind" scheme, and how the whole operation, funded with taxpayer money was kept quiet originally. Well, the "liberal media" has countered with a story about how the Dean campaign paid a few thousand bucks to a few bloggers online as if that's a tit-for-tat nullification for the dishonorable acts on the part of the administration. Many prominent cyber-pundits have pointed out this is totally a non-issue and far from comparable and that, unlike in the Armstrong Williams debacle, such endorsements were disclosed and not funded with taxpayer money. Nonetheless, mainstream media is launching this big steaming pile as a smokescreen over the much more grevious, unethical acts on the part of the Administration.


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