10 Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time

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Ready for a little Christmas cheer? This bit of humor explores some holiday specials that never were...but are they really any worse than this year's Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey Christmas extravaganza?

A taste is included below, but don't miss the whole thing--there are nine more gems where this came from!

Bob & Carol & Ted & Santa (1973)

This ABC Christmas special featured Santa as a happy-go-lucky swinger who comically wades into the marital bed of two neurotic 70s couples, and also the music of the Carpenters. It was screened for television critics but shelved by the network when the critics, assembled at ABC's New York offices, rose as one to strangle the producers at the post-viewing interview. Joel Siegel would later write, "When Santa did his striptease for Carol while Karen Carpenter sang 'Top of the World' and peered through an open window, we all looked at each other and knew that we television critics, of all people, had been called upon to defend Western Civilization. We dared not fail."




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