iPod+hp not ready for prime time

Posted by Pile (11112 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Faulty Products]
I finally decided to get hip and get an iPod today. I ended up getting he iPod+hp sold at Radio Shack. Unfortunately, I'd like to say it's a cool, fun device, but I'd never know because it's a freakin' nightmare trying to connect to the PC. A word of warning for Windows users out there: the iPod is not ready for prime time. After viewing the forums on various sites, it seems I'm not the only one who has big problems even getting the damn computer to connect to the iPod without crashing. I'd avoid this toy until Apple and their OEMs make it more reliable and compatible with standard PC configurations.


PCs not ready for prime time!
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-24 12:25:50
While I'm sorry to hear about your iPod-related troubles, the conclusion you reached is erroneous. Rather than the 'iPod not being for prime time,' it is the PC which is not ready.

The solution is simple. Ditch the PC, get a Mac, and hey-presto everything just works together! :-)
Wrong piece of kit:
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-26 12:46:43
You shud have purchased the:

Posted by Pile on 2004-12-16 17:24:51
I like the way iTunes takes over the system when a CD is inserted. I had some other things set up, but like most Apple products, the damn thing thinks that it can usurp control from other processes without any permission. Yet another reason why this product isn't ready for prime time.

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