Surprise! Another major IE flaw

Posted by RantMaster (9090 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

There's a new variant of the MyDoom virus that exploits yet another flaw in the latest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. By now, nobody in their right mind should be using IE, but if you still have some bonehead friend or employers stupid enough to use IE, you should get them to upgrade to Firefox.

In another touch of irony, The Computer Emergency Response Team of Carnagie Mellon University issued an after-the-fact advisory claiming, "Due to the dynamic nature of the heap, it is usually difficult for attackers to execute arbitrary code using this type of vulnerability."

Unfortunately this arrived hours after I saw my first successful variant of the exploit originating from a PC at the University of Kansas. CERT seems to be more docile and corporate-friendly in the wake of these issues.


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