Eminem lip synches on SNL?

Posted by RantMaster (8480 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Someone explain this to me. A week after the Jessica Simpson debacle where her lip synch tape screws up and she blames it on acid reflux and/or her band, Eminem shows up to perform his Internet cult-hit "Mosh" only to be lip synching it? What is the freaking deal here? Granted, I am admitting that I am still watching SNL even though it is falling into another one of those "sh*t phases" like during Joe Piscapo's "reign" of the 80s (word is if you run into Joe these days, he'll knock 10 cents off the price of super-sizing your Big Mac value meal), but even so, I can't believe the inconsistency would be this blatant? Tell me I'm a fool for believin'.

Previously covered here.


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