O'Reilly wants his sex tapes! Others scream SAVE THEM!

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The latest in the Bill O'Reilly sexual harassement scandal is a bombshell: O'Reilly's camp is demanding that tapes of the infamous sex conversations (which were previously not confirmed to exist), be handed over to them. Other camps imply that there are all sorts of wheeling and dealing to settle the O'Reilly case before the public has a chance to hear the tapes and that they be destroyed.

If Mackris is hurting for money, there's a big campaign to purchase the tapes and keep them from being destroyed. People will apparently pay any price to hear O'Reilly's sexual ode to middle eastern food.

Since we're knee-deep in BS here, it seems only fair that Ms. Mackris put the tapes on the Internet for all the world to hear. If she settles this case and keeps them quiet, we tend to agree with Keith Olbermann from MSNBC that she'd be doing a disservice to everyone, including herself (as she'll go down in history as nothing but a little whore shaking down an asshole for money).


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