Parler - The "Free Speech" Fraud And Privacy Nightmare

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On Friday the 13th, there's scheduled to be a supposed mass exodus of people fed up with Facebook and Twitter, moving to a new social media platform that claims to be less censored. Is this really true? And what are those risking that sign up for this new platform?

Conservatives apparently have finally found their own SAFE SPACE and plan to mass-migrate to Parler following their loss in the US presidential election. Apparently they were fed up with social media networks like Facebook and Twitter "censoring" their un-scientific, un-factual posts about Covid-19 being a hoax, or Biden being the antichrist.... who knows.. who can keep track of the bizarre claims coming from them and their cyber militia.

One thing is for sure, where they claim to go, doesn't look all that much like a place that celebrates liberty and freedom and personal property in any objective sense.

Wikipedia says about Parler:

Parler is a United States-based microblogging and social networking service launched in August 2018. Parler has a significant user base of Trump supporters, conservatives, and Saudi nationalists. Posts on the website often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories. The site has been described as an alternative to Twitter, and is popular among people who have been banned from mainstream social networks or oppose their moderation policies. The site markets itself as a "free speech" and unbiased alternative to mainstream social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. However, journalists and users have criticized the service for content policies that are more restrictive than the company portrays, and sometimes more restrictive than those of its competitors.

The owner of Parler, started the venture because according to their web site they were, "exhausted with a lack of transparency in big tech, ideological suppression and privacy abuse..."

John Matze was quoted in Forbes as saying, "There are going to be no fact-checkers. You're not going to be told what to think and what to say. A police officer isn't going to arrest you if you say the wrong opinion. I think that's all people want. That's what they like." In the Forbes interview, Matze describes himself as an arguer. "I don't have too many friends, but the ones I do have, we just talk amongst ourselves about ideas—crazy ones, easy ones, whatever."

Sounds like an idyllic community?

Among other things, users of Parler (as of this writing) have to cough up significant personal identification info, including but not limited to social security numbers, tax id numbers, photocopies of drivers licenses, passports and other forms of ID, that Parler will use to "verify" their ability to access basic features of the site that are available to most everybody without such restrictions and draconian, privacy-invading measures on other social media sites.

Here are some snippets from Parler's policies as of 11/20 (policy date 7/2020):

You gotta love the above "bonus consent" clause. In addition to doing whatever they want with the data you've given to them to use in a fully unrestricted manner, Parlor also MAY ask for your occasional permission.

Apparently Parler has continued to tighten their policies and restrictions, and as of this writing has amended their policies to be just as, if not more restrictive than other social media sites.'s review of Parler had this to say:

Parler’s current community guidelines are more specific and less permissive, and it’s unclear why the company’s rules were changed. Whereas it once allowed “fake news,” it now advises users to “not purposefully share rumors about other users/people you know are false.” Parler previously discouraged fighting words; it now clarifies that rule as “a personal assault with the intention of inviting the other party to fisticuffs.” (Fisticuffs being a somewhat outdated word for fistfight.) The platform prohibits nudity, including female nipples, specifically, and any form of genitalia. Parler does note, however, that “buttock is acceptable.”

For comparison, Twitter forbids images of female breasts, with the exception of breastfeeding. Twitter allows parody or satire accounts but similarly draws the line at impersonation. Much like Twitter’s policy that resulted in the labeling of President Trump’s tweet last month — “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” Trump wrote of protests in Minneapolis — Parler also discourages content that incites violence or produces a clear and present danger.

Last but not least, is Parler even close to what people claim it is?

Not according to the User Agreement:

If this wasn't enough, there are many examples (see Sources at the end of this article) outlining problems the platform has with taking personal information, falsely verifying accounts, and allowing people to impersonate other people and make inappropriate remarks. Yet the platform is still routinely censoring and sanctioning their own users. Here's an example screen shot:


Online pundit Mindy Robinson shows that their terms of service make it so, while they can do whatever they want with your content, profit in any way and not have to pay you anything, if they're sued because of something you post, that's your problem buddy, and you even are responsible for their legal fees!

Only in a land where people believe pizza parlors without basements are running child prostitution rings in their basements, can you have a social media platform such as Parler be considered an "improvement" over what else is out there.

Bless their tiny, cold, hearts.. Good luck sheeple!



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