Archeologist Debunks History Channel's "Ancient Aliens"

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One of the archaeologists at Bad Archaeology lambastes the History Channel for its series Ancient Aliens and treating its nonsense as though it were fact.

"For some reason, there is a channel known as The History Channel. Given its schedule, I can only conclude that the name is ironic in a postmodern sense. It certainly bears only a tangential relationship to something that I would recognize as "history". I've been aware for some time that its programming is weighted towards the American Civil War and Nazis, much in the way that the ?bookshop? W H Smith has a "History" section that deals largely in World War II and bullshit history. Given that the channel has aired series such as The Bible Code: predicting Armageddon and Nostradamus Effect, I really ought not to be shocked at any of its offerings.

And yet, the discovery that it has given air time to a programe called Ancient Aliens (note that it's not even a question!) is shocking and profoundly depressing. And it's in its second series! Given that many people in the modern world use the television as their principal window on the world and source of information about that world, for a significant number of them, it has an authority that probably no other institution (even school) does. If it's been on a television documentary, so popular wisdom has it, then it must be true: a twenty-first century equivalent of "I read it in the paper, so it must be true?. A quote from an online forum should suffice to illustrate the point: "I don't think you will be able to easily "debunk" anything you see on the history channel. Everything that you see on their shows comes from legit scientific sources and is supported by many word class researches and experts". There are times when I despair for the future of our civilization.

The background information for the series, posted on the channel's website, says:

"According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history? Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets? The space program played no small part in this as well: If mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn't extraterrestrials visit Earth?"

Most ancient alien theorists, including von D'niken, point to two types of evidence to support their ideas. The first is ancient religious texts in which humans witness and interact with gods or other heavenly beings who descend from the sky "sometimes in vehicles resembling spaceships" and possess spectacular powers. The second is physical specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt.

This blurb flatters the promoters of the ideas that descriptions of gods from the sky in ancient texts are accounts of genuine extraterrestrial visitations and that archaeological remains that make little obvious sense to us today: it calls them theorists. Almost as if they are scientists. And for many of us, scientists are the ultimate arbiters of what is real and what is not.

On the page dealing with Evidence of Ancient Aliens? (at least the web designer has had the courtesy to make it a question!), we find six things presented in support of the idea (okay, let's be generous and go with the channel's word, theory). These are:

* The Nazca Lines
* Vimanas
* The Moai of Easter Island
* Puma Punku
* The Book of Ezekiel
* Pacal's Sarcophagus

It's an eclectic list, to be sure, and it covers some exotic locations as well as some interesting ancient literature. But it's a hugely problematical list and it has the fingerprints of Erich von D'niken all over it; moreover, four of the items have been widely debunked since the 1970s (perhaps best in Ronald Story's 1976 The space-gods revealed: a close look at the theories of Erich von D'niken).

The Nazca Lines are one of von D'niken?s favourite bits of evidence, so it's little wonder they show up here. Situated in southern Peru, they consist of lines, geometric shapes and animal representations etched into the surface of the desert by the simple expedient of removing the oxidised pebbles on its surface to reveal the contrasting colour of the sand beneath. The designs are thus shallow, on average only 0.15 m (5.9 inches) deep. The History Channel?s website repeats the claim first put forward by Erich von D'niken that "the lines served as runways" for the gods? spaceships; this conveniently ignores the fact that anything with any weight, such as a spaceship, landing on the plain would disturb the pebble surface and reveal the lighter sand underneath, thus creating new lines and effacing any designs it might pass over. This has clearly not happened. The lines "whatever their origin" can never have been used as runways.

A vimana is something found in ancient Hindu literature, with a variety of meanings. Its etymology (it can be analysed vi-m'na) means ‘measuring out’ or ‘traversing’ but in literature it refers to a ruler’s palace, the tower above the holy of holies in a Hindu temple, a god’s palace, a flying seat or flying building (from which, some modern dialects use the word to mean ‘aircraft’) and a chariot. Although vimanas make occasional appearances in Vedic literature, the text most quoted as evidence for their reality is the Vaimanika Shastra, purportedly a treatise on aeronautics written by Bharadwaja, one of the mythical sages of Hinduism. If genuine, it would be remarkable. Of course, it isn’t. Nobody had heard of the text until 1952, when its existence was revealed by Gomatam R Josyer (said to have been Director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Research in Mysore), according to whom it had been dictated by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866-1940) in 1918-23. Despite its sonorous name, the International Academy of Sanskrit Research seems only to have had the one director and to have produced only one publication of its prestigious research: G R Josyer’s Vymaanika Shaastra Aeronautics of Maharshi Bharadwaaja. I can smell something and it isn’t aircraft fuel. Basically, the pillar on which the Ancient Aliens theory that vimanas were real flying machines rests turns out to be a mid-twentieth century hoax.

The mo’ai of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) are the well known monolithic stone statues that were erected in special locations on the island between about 1250 and 1500 CE. About 887 statues are known to exist, almost half of which are still in the quarry at Rano Raraku, which appears to have been the principal source of the stone from which they were carved. Those that made the journey were set up on stone platforms (known as ahu) on the coast, with the statues facing inland over the different clan areas of the island; each statue was carved to represent a deceased ancestor and they were intended to watch over their living descendants. After the first European contact with the islanders in 1722, when all the mo’ai on ahu were standing, fighting among the islanders resulted in the toppling of every single statue by 1868. Archaeological research since 1955 has revealed a great deal about the date and purpose of the statues and it is difficult to understand why they are considered evidence for ancient astronauts. Indeed, they are not ancient and were still being erected after Columbus’s voyage across the Atlantic.

Scattered masonry at Pumapunku

Pumapunku is a site that forms part of the better known Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) complex in Bolivia. Although the ancient astronauts proponents try to ascribe a vast age to the complex (over 14,000 years is not uncommon), there is a radiocarbon date from a primary deposit of 1510 ± 25 bp, which calibrates to 517-605 CE at 96% confidence. This quite clearly puts the origin of the site in the sixth century CE; those who want an earlier origin have to explain why no earlier cultural material has been found at the site. The sites are known for their stone architecture, which displays features that are quite unlike Old World building techniques. The complex joints between the stones are sophisticated and designed to provide strong wall without mortar and maximum stability in an earthquake zone; they are not evidence that aliens guided the human builders, as the programme seems to have claimed, and exhibit increasing sophistication with time.

Raphael’s imagined view of the vision of Ezekiel

The Book of Ezekiel is one of the more bizarre works in the Hebrew Bible. Attributed to a prophet who calls himself Ezekiel ben Buzi, who appears to have been born around 622 BCE, it details what he refers to as “visions of God”. This is the first problem for the ancient astronaut theorists, who want him to be describing an actual Close Encounter with a spaceship and its occupants. Nor is it a straightforward eyewitness account, as there is evidence in the text itself for extensive editing (indeed, there are numerous variants of the text in existence). The plan of the work is actually quite straightforward: Yahweh reveals himself to Ezekiel as a warrior god in a chariot and pronounces a series of judgements on Jerusalem and Judah, followed by a series of judgements on the gentiles (specifically the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Philistines, Tyrians, Sidonians and Egyptians) and concluding with some vague prophecies about the return of the Jews to Judah, the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the bestowing of great blessings on the Jews. This does not sound like the imparting of extraterrestrial wisdom from a technologically advanced flying machine. Instead, it is typical of early Jewish apocalyptic literature.

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Posted by chris theman on 2012-02-07 13:52:28
1st: the nazca line theory you have regarding spaceships disturbing the formation is garbage. how do you know that a spaceship would disturb anything? do you own a spaceship? do you know how they operate? you must be assuming that they operate with thrust. Assume? An ass of u and me. maybe a spaceship has control of its own gravity and thus would not disturb anything, including your tiny close-minded brain.
I have been to the Nazca lines and it is amazing, how do YOU explain these formations?
2nd: what makes you the expert on any of these "arch" items.
most of the past relics that are "discovered" are in themselves questionable. we will never know the truth or real purpose to any of these things. you are a skeptic at best, and your bashing of other peoples ideas are similar to what the catholic church did to many.
Response to You
Posted by Anonymous on 2012-02-10 09:08:11
You mean "you're an idiot," right?
Posted by grey on 2012-02-10 13:12:36
His extraterrestrial creators ran out of contraction elixir, and used alien faeces and moon juice as an experimental replacement.
Posted by felicia on 2012-02-16 23:27:09
have you ever been to the actual sites mentioned above yourself? How much time have you spent trying to understand what you were actually writing. Ancient Aliens is a very entertaining show and I don't view what TV gives me as FACT nor I will take your "explanation" as fact. See how not everyone is narrow minded to view everything one sided??
Response to You
Posted by Anony-mouse on 2012-02-17 16:45:00
OK have it your way, your ancient aliens could land without disturbing so much as a single pebble.


Why then would a craft with such precise control *need* a landing strip? Of any kind?
Posted by Queen Kitten on 2012-02-17 21:47:31
I think it is very one sided. I would like to see equal time given to the opposing side but, I guess that wouldn't be good T.V. They are stretching it too . That show has at best one season of material.
Response to all
Posted by Skeptic on 2012-02-18 21:10:57
You all seem to always want to see both sides of the issue given equal time. On one hand you want desperately to feel part of something special that we re not alone...and on the other hand you dont want to count out the opposition to it. The majority of people seem to keep holding out and never take a stand on the issue. So undecided that its pathetic. If it were such an issue people should look into it for themselves and not bitch and post stupid comments about how they disagree. This is a damn opinion. Take what you can leave what you dont need. Personally i agree. Von daniken is a damn loon and so is that crazy haired greek guy. It all smells like horse shit that can be packaged and sold for profit. Just like the 2012 doomsday trash.
Response to all
Posted by Skeptic on 2012-02-18 21:11:49
You all seem to always want to see both sides of the issue given equal time. On one hand you want desperately to feel part of something special that we re not alone...and on the other hand you dont want to count out the opposition to it. The majority of people seem to keep holding out and never take a stand on the issue. So undecided that its pathetic. If it were such an issue people should look into it for themselves and not bitch and post stupid comments about how they disagree. This is a damn opinion. Take what you can leave what you dont need. Personally i agree. Von daniken is a damn loon and so is that crazy haired greek guy. It all smells like horse shit that can be packaged and sold for profit. Just like the 2012 doomsday trash.
This is the real agenda of Ancient Aliens.
Posted by Julian on 2012-02-29 06:12:40
It's about this:
I know it's true because of the hair
Posted by Crackers on 2012-03-10 09:48:37
When you have heatmiser hair like Giorgio Tsoukalos, everything you claim is automatically true. But that point aside, the show is good entertainment that sometimes makes me roll my eyes, and other times draws a question. Although presenting ancient alien "theory" on a history channel seems questionable, the show is interlaced with historical facts about what ancient people did (worship, construction, etc) which is only overlaid with the alien theories, and so you can learn facts while being entertained. I laugh, however, at the thought of advanced aliens traveling across the galaxy to get it on with filthy neanderthals, but then I look around at weird people in bars and maybe there is a kernel of truth to it all.
Posted by JustKaren on 2012-03-11 19:36:17
I am an addict of this show! That being said, I find it highly entertaining and don't believe a word of it! But I can't stop watching it.

Crackers, the "heatmiser hair" comment has me cracking up!
Look at it scientifically
Posted by William Hopper on 2012-03-17 10:52:58
I am an atheist, and a sceptic by nature. As such, I think it's important to examine and address each origin-myth honestly before ridiculing it or rejecting it. Alien life is certainly a possibility given the vastness of the universe. That they MAY have come here is a possibility that, as a skeptic, I don't utterly reject without proofs. As you can't prove a negative, the possibility remains a "possibility", akin to other theories without substance. All you can really do is shrug or postulate. I prefer to shrug. Von Danegat prefers to postulate.
For those who are riled by this, I suggest you do what I did. Watch the series, take a few notes, then go out and find the contrary points of view... which is how I wound up on this page reading this dialogue. It's History Channel's job to bring you entertainment. It's your job to find the facts and cover all the bases before believing blindly.
Posted by john q on 2012-03-19 22:23:28
hello all i think that all of you are stupid even me so please do not talk any more or type thank you
Posted by dave1212 on 2012-03-20 05:38:32
Posted by dailyartist on 2012-03-25 18:21:51
the person who posted this article seems to be taking the stand point of someone with superior knowledge. i agree with a few of the above people but in the end taking one side to the argument is 'silly' in my opinion so i will leave with this quote. "nothing is true, everything is permitted" seekers of wisdom will understand.
Posted by DGerm84 on 2012-04-06 05:18:58
evidence of ancient aliens only comes in the form of specious and fallacious arguments. The data consists mainly of archeological sites and ancient myths. People begin with the ancient astronaut assumption and then force all data to fit the idea, or in the case of Erich von Däniken completely fabricate "evidence" , he produced photographs of pottery that  he claimed had been found in an archaeological dig. The pottery depicts flying saucers and was said to have been dated from Biblical times. However, investigators from the show Nova found the potter who had made the allegedly ancient pots. They confronted von Däniken with evidence of his fraud. His reply was that his deception was justified because some people would only believe if they saw proof. Now if one of the leading authorities on "ancient-aliens" and the so called "father of the ancient astronaut theory" has to fake evidence then obviously there is no real evidence. 
You missed a few things.
Posted by Watcher on 2012-04-09 18:35:41
1. The Puma Punku stones have detailing and accuracy that defy being made by hand. Only diamond cutting machinery or lasers would be capable of creating such intricate designs in that particular type of stone - that technology according to archeologists was not available at the time.

2. The Nazca lines were not used as runways. The idea or theory is that the entire plateau was. It is the only plateau like that in the area that appears to be unnatural. No evidence of erosion exists such as the accumulation of fallen rock from what would be the top of the mountain or apex erosion.

3. I think the biggest evidence of all that extraterrestrial life exists is the fact that we are here. It's statistically laughable to assume we would be alone and/or the most advanced in the universe. We are here, and with the humanly unimaginable number of galaxies and habitible (by our standards) planets that exist, it would be insane to think we are the only conscious life out there. Religion, as we are led to believe by the Vatican etc., would have us think we were created by one god and descendents of one man and woman. Seriously?? That's a little less scientifically possible than aliens, in my opinion. I also feel like the theory of evolution is a little off. I can find nothing that shows real evidence that we have had any sign of evolution since the theory took hold. You would think we would have seen something advantageous pop up by now. Maybe a blue human, or green hair or something.

But back to 'us.'. We are all made up of elements. Carbons, Hydrogens etc., i feel it's only reasonable to assume that combination occurs frequently throughout the universe. It's possible that we are in a 'low-key' solar system and other solar systems have several habitible planets and interacting extraterrestrials.

It's also fact that Earth is a 'young' planet. Therefore, if life does exist out there, it would be millions, maybe billions of years ahead of us - meaning we would have no way of comprehending their power/science/motives.
NOBODY knows
Posted by Thecomingtruth on 2012-04-12 19:49:42
I find it ironic that the people who say this is flat out crap are hard core Christians! And I'm a Christian! Can we prove Jesus walked on water? Did Noah really part the sea? Then how can you say that Ancient Alien theory is bullshit?
Bored Grad Student
Posted by Fan of Thales on 2012-04-15 19:47:38
After reading some of the comments here and elsewhere on the 'Internets', I now hope a planet-killer asteroid hits the Earth someday very soon. The 'stupid gene' must be wiped out, erased from the genetic blueprint.
Posted by Unknown Ancient Alien on 2012-04-22 15:20:42
This show sucks.
Blue humans real!!!
Posted by Bex on 2012-04-22 21:59:16
Don't know about green hair, but please DO LOOK UP "The Blue Fugates of Kentucky!"
Posted by Meetoo on 2012-04-23 16:49:57
Did Noah really part the sea? Fuggin kidding right? Stupid xtian. Noah surfed it, Moses parted it, Heston shot it...sheesh.
who knows
Posted by grorrack(from planet x) on 2012-05-03 07:10:14
nobody really knows,do they?It's an interesting show.Makes you wonder whats really going on here,or out there.fact or not,some things cant be explained.our ancestors were no dummys,maybe more advanced then us now.did little green men help them?maybe.....explain my eludium pu 36 explosive space modulator?
Posted by SeekerOfKnowledge on 2012-05-04 14:04:21
Res ipsa loquitur
Posted by Random on 2012-05-04 20:26:30
This is so stupid. The whole world are closed minded idiots who have become slaves to how the government and media percieve the idea of ETs. The only way this Ancient Alien idea can be debunked fairly is if every inch of the universe is explored all at the same time to prove no ETs exist.
Reply To Most
Posted by The Duke of What the hell is up with gullible mo on 2012-05-05 17:38:37
Entertaining bullshit that solves nothing. Not unlike throwing eggs at politicians...

The shape of a pyramid is architecturally simple. The weight is concentrated down through the structure at the center, and distributed out evenly at the base.

Why or how did our ancestors build these odd monuments - Without alien help?

Umm... Because any other shape, considering the technology available at the time, would have fallen the f*ck down!!

Let's assume the Nazca Lines WERE drawn to entice ET visitors. What does that prove? Certainly not that aliens actually came, just that some people thought it was worth a shot.

I draw a target over my chest, intending to be shot. Five years later, I'm found strangled to death - It's a pretty damn poor pathologist that says "Well, he MEANT to be shot, therefore he must have been shot..."!

I read a great joke about this, which I'll paraphrase for your convenience:

"Ever heard of the Statue of Liberty? Yeah? Well in a thousand years - Aliens did it."
frustrated archaeologist
Posted by anthony p on 2012-05-18 13:52:12
The arguments posted here about whether or not the Nazca lines are a "landing strip" are specious, as the larger and more significant issue is that the designs cannot be recognized as representing any known terrestrial form except from a height of several hundred feet or more. Given this undeniable FACT, please give me your official debunker's explanation of why the ancients (presumably human) who created these markings would go to the trouble of creating gigantic expressions of earthly images
that can only be recognized as such from altitudes that could be achieved only by some form of powered flight?
wheres the rest?
Posted by jsan on 2012-05-18 21:48:25
you have attempted to disprove aboout 10% of the shows theories. I love the show. I do however think some of the theories are far fetched...then again there are a few i find very interesting... how about you disprove ALL the shows theories... say the artifacts that were found that were aerodynamic. or some other interesting shit.
Posted by Frankalicious on 2012-05-19 20:14:13
In September 2012, there will be a video debunking many of the major claims made in at least season 1.
Posted by steven on 2012-05-19 22:06:59
Doesn't it bother anyone else that this small group of 'theorists' consistantly use each other's theories and postulations to reinforce their own conjectures, and that 99% of them are based on the premise of what Von D'niken fabricated? It is as if they are creating their own pyrimid of mis-perception, by citing each others work as if it were fact... Maybe they are all scientologists as well...the original 'ancient alien' lol.
to Frustrated Archaeologist
Posted by Franco on 2012-05-20 12:57:08
Frustrated Arch asked: "why the ancients who created these markings would go to the trouble of creating gigantic expressions of earthly images that can only be recognized as such from altitudes that could be achieved only by some form of powered flight?"

Honestly, there is a very simple reason that doesn't involve talking to aliens. It's called talking to your Gods - or in this case trying to get the attention of your God. So if way back when you believe your God is "up there" and you want to something different to get his attention, you can do another "me-too" project and build a pyramid which involves a heckuva lot of work and produces a smallish footprint the higher you get, or you can do something totally whack that takes less work and draw lines and large insects (much larger footprints for less effort) and whatnot so that God will look down and go "WTF is that?" and maybe pay you a visit. Later, the Aztecs saw the their pyramids were not doing it, the lines and large insects weren't getting the attention, so they came up with the brilliant idea that maybe God would notice if they chopped off 20,000 heads per day periodically and used them as bowling balls down a staircase - my theory on that one is that a suddenly long line of souls would line up to get into heaven and God would say "hey, what the hell's gong on here" and check it out. But that didn't work either.

Let's face it - look around you even today. When attention-prostitutes (be it freaks on the street, girls in a school trying to attract a guy, religious nuts, or people wanting to be noticed by a celeb or politician) want to draw the eye of whatever it is they "worship" they try to come up with some whacky thing to do to make them different. You really think ancient kingdoms run by attn-prostituting narcissistic Kings and Queens were any different or somehow more enlightened?
Gods in the sky...
Posted by Anonymus on 2012-06-06 10:00:24
Why does the god always have to live in the sky? Why doesn't he live in the trees, or beneath the earth? Why is it the bad guy always ends up in the ground?
Ever thought of what the word "god" actually means, or where it came from? What the word "angel" means? or "demon" ?

The only thing i know for sure, is that we don't know anything.
re: Gods in the sky ...
Posted by Crackers on 2012-06-08 05:46:53
Why, you ask? If you were God and you had a choice of living in the sky or on earth with all these leftist freaks who want to steal from you, there is no way you choose earth.
just throwing this out there
Posted by roni on 2012-06-12 21:18:11
you guys know they're on season 4 right? and its taken this long to come up with a video to disprove season one.....
Idk if I believe all of it, but it really makes you think, where is everybody?
Posted by Tercius Quintus on 2012-06-15 11:53:55
Well, the problem I see here is that aliens fans are claiming that humankind was stupid and needed help to do big things, and that's stupid.
In fact, there are some phenomena and artifacts that need to be explained, but not by aliens, most probably by lost technologies and knowledge. Our ancestors were not stupid.
Posted by Tungniw on 2012-06-17 02:39:37
How selfcentered to think ,for one that we are the most intellegent creacher god could create but let me ask you this why would God,nature,Krishna,Buda you for that matter ,why would you create such a vast universe and fill it with afew trillion or so ignorant closed minded slow evolving haters .why create space no one is ever going to use. If you believe in a creator they have to be infalable and relying on only the human race as your only speicies to grow thrive and survive (putting all your eggs into one basket) Evan my ten year old nephew knows better than that.I think our creator has more sense than him
Yes they were
Posted by Tungniw on 2012-06-17 02:56:35
There are 4 billions of years that the earth spun and spun but it's only the last two hundred we've become(so they say)become civilized but we didn't invent and really move forword up intell three hundred years ago or so .why the sudden leap of intellegence and understanding
Posted by Judy on 2012-06-17 17:40:11
How can you possibly be so narrow-minded to think that we are alone in this world?! Of all the stars/planets in this world, we happen to be the only one who has any sort of life form? Do you believe in evolution or have you debunked that too? They found remains of life on Mars you know. Not human-like life, but micro-organism, which if you even think evolution might have actually happened, is where all life as we know it came from. You are allowed to be a skeptic, but you should also allow people to be believers. I'm curious though, with all the accounts of "sky people" all throughout ancient history and text, who do you think our ancestors are referring to?
and to "yes they were"
Posted by Judy on 2012-06-17 17:51:02
This guy just got the best of you because you didn't check your historical facts, you just proved part of his point. "Civilizations" actually started about 4000 years ago, ever heard of the Sumerians? Egyptians? Greek? Romans? Chinese? All who were considered civilizations, and who all contributed to our world with some amazing technology and inventions.
Posted by Sheriffrich on 2012-06-30 02:16:18
All I know is I like the show. I can't prove or disprove any of it. And it makes me really question things around me. Like how did they carve that stone with brass hammers and chisels? How did they move them? Now there was a show recently on "Fact or Fake: Paranormal Files" that did show how a large stone could be moved and raised to high hieghts that was cool. No I don't agree with all of thier theories but they have made me think about them.
and to"and to "yes they were""
Posted by Strange on 2012-07-03 11:17:13
you didnt even check you own facts to check the facts of someone else sumerians and egyptians started over 5000 years ago early societys are recorded well of 5500 years ago and depending on your definition of civilization people starting using tools and fire and living in family units for much much longer
Posted by Victor Manino on 2012-07-04 08:41:44
I came here with an open mind hoping to find some real debunking of the ancient alien theory but your attempts are quite unconvincing and even more feeble than you claim the show's evidence to be. I'm afraid you've only convinced me of the difficulty in debunking this theory.
Posted by Geoff on 2012-07-12 16:20:24

Surprised I'm even bothering to comment, but wanted to say that maybe you're taking it all a bit too seriously. The reason I watch the documentary is because it tickles parts of my mind/imagination in a way that I can't find elsewhere and in a way that's digestible when say, I'm going to sleep. Its certainly led me to think about certain things, and spend a lot of time poking around on the web, reading into the evolution of the brain, humans and generally anything we as a population believe.

I don't think it claims to be a factual documentary, which is kind of how you're treating it. One thing I am very aware of is the narrator, and how he says "ancient astronautic theorists believe" - not him, not the History channels, but the theorists.

I work with a biologist who holds himself in quite high regard, he thinks he's a very smart chap. He recently told me the suggestion of ancient aliens is quite ridiculous (and impossible) as there are no behavioural reasons for aliens/ET's to come visit us, and just leave again. And I told him that for someone whose as smart as he is, suggesting that something you have no proof for is impossible is him being exactly the type of person he doesn't want to be.

In my opinion open minded all wins.
If you liked Ancient Aliens you mat also like
Posted by Anonymous on 2012-07-16 03:29:07
Disney John Carter
Hubble Deep Field Image
Posted by Anonymous on 2012-07-22 18:14:44
Skeptics; check it, then continue convicing yourselves that we're the pinnicle of creation. Regardless of the outcome to the AA theories, odds are, ALIENS EXIST. Everything else in between is left up for debate with the basis that aliens exist. Sure, you could just call me a nutcase because I don't have any physical proof. Then again Einstein was called crazy too, until the skeptics were proven wrong again. Open mindedness only encourages the pursuit of truth.
Posted by rock on 2012-07-31 06:18:48
if a simple boson in this dimension without a brain can be everywhere,is invisible , is responsible for existence because of its mass sharing properties,...imagine what an evolved conscious intelligent boson could do..those that beleive that we r alien spawn choose not to beleive in the easily scientifically possible ONE CREATOR because u think it is too late for you..for is easier to sit around smoking the chronic all day beleiving there is no accountability..the weed ,,.. the ganja..mary janes...reefers ..blunts..joints..
big brain work out
Posted by science lover on 2012-08-10 21:56:11
'ancient aliens' is a theory. Theories are meant to be researched where there is interest & ignored if there is none. I thought the 'big bang' was cool & then religion said,'but WHO created the big bang?' Why who? If it's divine..,was God chillin' in the dark vastness of an empty nothingness & thought to himself..,'wow..,this is boring, i think i'll create solar system after solar system & then plant beings on this one tiny planet.'??? More & more becomes unexplainable everyday & science is expected to figure it out. We know very little in the scheme of things-our DNA is only minutely understood & our brains are barely used. We only know we have the capacity to know more, but don't know how? I am unable to believe that WE (earth humans) are the most intelligent life in the universe. I think if more intelligent beings are watching us & we can't prove..,it's because they are MORE INTELLIGENT. Jane Goodall didn't run into jungles & try to immediately hug gorilla's- she stayed back & observed them until she was accepted.
the spirit of the age
Posted by hawkwind on 2012-08-11 19:01:54
..."I am a clone, I am not alone
Every fibre of my flesh and bone
is identical to the others
Everything I say is in the same tone
as my test tube brother's voice
There is no choice between us,
If you had ever seen us,
You'd rejoice in your uniqueness
and consider every weakness
something special of your own
Being a clone, I have no flaws to identify
Even this doggerel that pours from my pen,
has just been written by
another twenty telepathic men,
All word for word, it says:
"Oh, for the wings of any bird,
other than a battery hen".

That's the spirit of the age..."
the age of the spirit
Posted by hawkclone on 2012-08-12 08:22:14
Oh, give me a clone
Of my own flesh and bone
With its Y chromosome changed to X.
And after it's grown,
Then my own little clone
Will be of the opposite sex.

Clone, clone of my own,
With its Y chromosome changed to X.
And when I'm alone
With my own little clone
We will both think of nothing but sex.
Posted by Arseiscit on 2012-08-17 10:28:22
if you follow any religion and dismiss this program as bullshit you are more stupid than the alien theorists.

At least these myths are more entertaining. these theorists use pseudoscience at best and the rest is just forcing pieces to fit, they hugely underestimate the intelligence of ancient civilisations.
Posted by tard trollin on 2012-08-18 03:09:28
guys, this show is the most ridiculous program on tv. easily. can we agree on something?
god is not real, but represents many great metaphors and provides fantastic guidelines to help the uninformed live a life worth living in their mind. so if you dismissing aliens because of religious belief, it's 2012, we are not as uninformed as our own parents for f*ck sakes. open your mind.
it isnot mathematically possible for nothing else be living out there. so yes, aliens exist, be it an organism or something kind of like us.

BUT this show is utterly retarded, and their alien theories are making mankind dumber and dumber by the minute.

if you like this show and your entertained by it, right on.
if you take any of this smut in as actual information, and swear by it....... please go play in traffic.

I think that is what this article Is trying to get across.
The Age of Reason
Posted by Cosmic Traveler on 2012-08-21 14:44:54
People, people. Why the anger about the advancement of an idea? Are we so devoted to other dogma that we have become offended by the examination of competing possibilities? Have we surrendered our natural curiosity to whatever else it is that makes us less agitated? Ancient Aliens brilliantly presents a case for the intersection of alien visitation and the unexplained evidence of technology and the sudden surge in ancient human development. Whether you ever arrive at a place where your enthusiasm for embracing the conclusions matches that of the show's guests is left to you to decide. Whether I ever accept their conclusions is unimportant. They deliver what mainstream science — and evidently Western society, too — lost some time ago: encouragement and permission to examine ideas. And do so with far greater aplomb than, say, proponents of evolutionary dogma to explain man's rise above other hominids that, in the absence of evidence or identifaction of an impetus, itself borders on the preposterous.
Posted by DTaylor on 2012-08-25 18:01:47
Now anyone who watches this show as much as I do knows that almost every time the scientists mention aliens they make sure that they aren't saying It's a fact, but the only explanation they can come up with. They never once say "oh these people did stuff we can't, so there must be aliens". They base their theories off of things done in the past that we can't do now, and off of civilizations that have made some type of indication toward supernatural/extraterrestrial contact. Only because of our surroundings do we deem anything not sci fi having something to do with aliens complete baloney, but for someone to say it is baloney means that you are saying entire civilizations are wrong and never saw the beings they claimed to see. All I'm saying is stop the "theyre crazy because they are" bullshit, acquire some humility, and accept possibilities, since no one really knows anything entirely.
Posted by anonymous on 2012-09-01 12:09:00
What the suprise is how many people believe anything that "Holywood" puts on t.v. that tell's something about most of the general population. it seems if T.V. say's it it is truth, that right there is a Lie.People need to wake up but I doubt that will happen, most are lazy mentally and do not know how to think...My goodness just look at all the crap they believe just because some movie person says it. That is scary more so than any "alien".But you can't fix Stupid.
Posted by skeptic on 2012-09-04 03:43:36
Its just insane how EVERYONE thinks they know how the universe works. We can all sit here and post about what we think is true and untrue but what is without a shadow of a doubt TRUE is that we dont know anything of our ancient ancestors or what really happened.

We also don't know how humankind was created. Was it God? The one who loves us eternally but also manages to find time to wipe us out with floods, natural disasters, and terrorism on what seems to be like a regular basis.

Was it evolution...according to Darwins theory? Survival of the fittest...and that we evolved from a type of ape/hominid? Hard to believe when there are millions of species in the animal kingdom that HAVE evolved over millions of years...but none of them are flying around in space ships, landing on mars, voting in elections, and living in CIVILIZATIONS.

Or was it actually something else...?

WE DONT KNOW. WE PROBABLY NEVER WILL. Unless Mayan prophecy holds water then 12/21/12 might have a few answers to our own origins in addition to other worldly origins. I think thats our last straw. If we dont know on that day...we never will and this debate will go on forever until we uncover that missing link. Thats what the ancient astronaut theory, to me, seems to be about. Looking at historical and archeological evidence...trying to find that link.

Everyone has the right to an opinion. Thats what makes our species so incredible. Our ability to reason and formulate opinions based on information given to us. It sets us apart from all others. Dont automatically "debunk" things that you know nothing about. You are no scientist, archeologist...nor were you present during BC time periods. You aren't a GOD.
series redundant.
Posted by patrickd on 2012-09-18 12:47:09
really simple. if they cant explain things they call it evidence of extraterrestrial, they are the same with what they call the ignorant "ancient civilization" all throughout the season all this topics are repeated, * The Nazca Lines, * Vimanas * The Moai of Easter Island, * Puma Punku, * The Book of Ezekiel, * Pacal's Sarcophagus. *Book of Enoch * , mushrooms, weed's do exist thousand's of years too..
Posted by Anonymous on 2012-09-25 14:06:50
It still does? not explain puna punku
actually we DO know
Posted by uh, a REAL christian on 2012-09-26 19:04:02
Understanding the genesis account of creation in the Bible and the understanding and implications of evolution theory I find it ironic that dude who claims to be a Christian actually believes the ancient alien garbage. Aliens must be a result of evolution. Evolution is contrary to the account in genesis. Read your Bible you big dummy. Secondly the Vatican also believes in aliens. But the Vatican aren't Christians. They are Roman Catholics which is a form of Christianity mixed with pagan tradition. So don't get confused. Get informed before you make a comment about a belief structure that does not belong to you.
to franco and why does god live in the sky?
Posted by uh, a REAL christian on 2012-09-26 19:21:59
Franco that middle paragraph was HILARIOUS. very practical observation too might I add well done. And to the other dude with the problem of God living in the sky: the Bible says not that the one true God lives in the sky but that He is eternal and omnipresent. He lives in heaven not the atmosphere of earth. Heaven exists outside of this realm. And to say why wouldn't he live inside the earth is faulty too you would have to have a hollow earth for that or else your god would just be buried. And a buried god is a dead god. In the same way that your mind possesses a body full of trillions of different living cells God possesses and controlls the universe. It is written that God knows the number of the stars and calls them all by name. If you are curious as to what exactly the Bible says about God please watch WONDER OF GOD found on netflix. It is very entertaining and informative. Draw whatever conclusions you wish. At least understand what and who Christians call God.
this guy who wrote this post is a one sided virgin
Posted by butter face on 2012-10-05 16:26:11
Ok vagina slime, you obviously have a problem with your loneliness. I can't believe you waste all that time to write this bogus shiz. U think u debunked something and u didn't. Just go debunk your virginity and you will then have a life.
Posted by mseles on 2012-10-07 14:22:20
I thought this show was kinda cool when I first saw it.
Now, it just pisses me off.
"According to ancient alien theorists...perhaps, maybe, if,if, if, is there evidence, might, might, could have, could be, seems to promote the belief, perhaps, maybe maybe maybe.... grrrrrr. They sure cover their ass by making it clear that ALL of their observations and theories are just that.
Entertaining crap.
Somebody who uses that thing in their head
Posted by Ed on 2012-10-07 16:53:19
Whats up everyone!!First off,I want to say that I approach EVERYTHING I see or hear from a source other than myself with the attitude that I will research it fully before I come to a complete conclusion.With that said,when I saw the original "Ancient Aliens"documentary,I was hooked.It had me truly interested in that explanation for some of the unexplained things in human history.So I started researching everything I could about the sites mentioned,ancient artwork and everything else "Ancient Aliens" said was proof of the theory.Low and behold,after only about a month of doing my own research,I started noticing one thing after another that was either a complete lie or was easily explained with a little digging.I was a huge fan of Von Danniken,had read his books and believed what he was writing as truth.But his writings,like the entire series and the documentary,are all bullshit.The problem with Americans is that %50 of us are lazy bastards that don't want to work for anything,so when a show comes on a channel called "History",half of the people wont put in the effort to get to the bottom of the issue and will just go around saying "it must be true,it was on the History channel"I challenge any believer of the ancient aliens theory to ask me any question related to that bullshit,and I will explain,in detail and with references(unlike the History channel)why that certain thing happened.Also,I have been to two of the sites mentioned in the series and documentary.I have been to Peru and saw the Nazca Lines,and also been to South America and saw the Mayan ruins so please,please,please somebody who believes in that theory comment on my comment and ask me anything you're heart desires.Like I said earlier,half of this country is lazy as hell,that is why %75 of the rest of the world looks down at us.The US is full of people who,when faced with a difficult task,just give up because it's too hard.I am a 34 year old Cancer survivor who has a strong work ethic and who does not just take people's word for everything I hear.I'm not a doctor or lawyer,never even been to college,but have common sense and a will to work hard and improve myself every day.So in closing,PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT SOMETHING THAT YOU THINK ALIENS DID,and I will break your heart with not only a full explanation,but at least two references to go look up for yourself.The "History" channel never uses real,credible references for any of their explanations.They just get phoney doctors and scientists(they might even be actors)and keep quoting from Von Danniken and Sitchen's books.I have spent the last 3 years doing my own investigations into the ancient aliens theory and I challenge ANYONE to try and stump me on something that the bullshit aliens theory proposes.It would mean a lot more to me if it were someone with a college education that asks me the questions,because I love making people who think they are smart,look dumber than one of those heads at Easter island!!!!Can't wait woohoo!!!!
Posted by to blog owner on 2012-10-08 15:04:47
while i dont think ancient aliens did any of this, i DO think humans, for a reason we are not yet aware of, were at one point much more advanced. perhaps in many ways we are now, less so in some areas, and moreso in others. Their are just too many OOPAs out there, something is off with our current timeline. For example, please explain to me puma punku, even 6th century ce. The precision is amazing. Also explain why the great pyramid at Giza could theoretically (and it isnt a leap, i say theoretically only because it hasn't been done in recorded history) be used as a power plant. also not even the people who work for the Joseph Cambell society readily admit agree, as far as i know in whom ive spoken to, that all of our ancient cultures dont have EXTREMELY similiar myths simply because "humans all think the same to explain natural phenom blah blah". they think it came from a mother culture. that doesnt jive with our current chronology in any way. most of the people who posted above me, it appears, are easily swayed. however, ancient aliens does at least bring to light some of these inexplicable megaliths, OOPAs, ect... so i give it its merit in that and try not to dog it too much. when people bring it up (take a job at a community college, you'll be fielding ?'s re: AA e v e r y day. i explain to them essentially what i just said, that we still have a long way to go archaeologically, and they "sh".
Posted by LaVizz on 2012-10-09 18:09:27
I only discovered the Ancient Astronoughts series a few weeks ago, I already believed in the posiblity that we have been visited by more advanced beings, due to the many worldwide Myths and Legends about Gods and Godesses, that have helped civilize us. But, I did not think there was enough evidence to fill so many hours of television and sadly I was right, so much of what they said I knew was not true, their agenda seems to be to promote the atheist, Zacharia Sitchen's warped ideas. None the less, having studied many different religious beliefs and Sacred texts, I believe there are some modern 'channeled' works that, if true, would, between them, literally explain everything, namely, The Oahspe Bible, published in 1882, The Secret Doctrine, 1888, and The Urantia Book, 1955. The Bible made a lot more sense to me after I had read them. I would advise people to check them out with an open mind.
Somebody who uses that thing in their head
Posted by Ed on 2012-10-09 18:20:05
I'm responding to "to blog owner"if that is the correct title name,I don't know.Anyway,you said that ancient people,at some points in history,were more advanced than we are now.That statement alone is truly foolish.I invite you to show me one thing,just one thing,in ancient times,that is more advanced than anything we have today,and please,do not say they built this and built that,because everything that was built in ancient times has an explanation,or at least a %90 understanding of how it was created.Also you said explain how the great pyramid at Giza could be theoretically be used as a power plant.I cant explain anything theoretically,because it's just a theory.There are are also theories that state the pyramid was built by aliens,was built in 1 day and was built using magical levitation devices,but I can't explain theories,I can only explain facts.The one FACTUAL question you did ask me was to explain Puma Punku,so here you go.Contrary to what the idiots at the History channel want you to believe,the Puma Punku site,which is part of the larger area known as Tiwanaku,was carved from red sandstone and andesite.Those large interlocking "lego" type rocks were quarried about ten kilometers away and the smaller,ornamental and lighter stones were quarried about ninety kilometers away on the shore of Lake Titicaca.These stones are easy to work with granted,I say "easy" loosely because it would have taken months if not years to cut and form the rocks since there are so many of them,but it can be done using the primitive tools they had back then.You can quarry sandstone at places around the planet that are dry and hot such as the middle east,Africa and Australia,just to name a few.There are hundreds of references you can find that back up my point,wikipedia,google and are just three.How so many people today think that people in ancient times were so stupid and uneducated is beyond me,but I do know this,there isnt any culture in history that is more advanced than we are today.To say that is just plain foolish and if anyone believes it,they need to be buried alive in the King's chamber at Giza!!!
Stones (ed)
Posted by child on 2012-10-10 17:47:08
The stones of Puma Punku could not possibly have been carved by the technology that existed at the time. Wood splitting? Ropes? Softer rock cutting the harder rock? Copper chisles and stone mallets? Were you people dropped on your heads when small?
Modern stonesmiths would have difficulty cutting the stones today. Add to that the volume of cutting done and the fact that we are only seeing a fraction of what was there originally and the result is, undeniably, that technology of a high order cut the stones. Period. Whether aliens, Alanteans, Mu-ans, or whatever, the stonework is technologically out of date. I hate to reiterate, but....period. End of discussion. Have fun with the show and take it for what it's worth, but.... when they show pictures and video of things that cannot be explained don't get your panties bunched up over another's explanations. Either shut the TV off, shut up, or figure it our yourself!
Posted by Ed on 2012-10-11 13:42:24
You said the stones of Puma Punku could not possibly have been carved by the technology of the time correct?Well I have a little homework assignment for you then.I want you to look up what technology they had available at the time the entire Tiwanaku complex was built.After you look that up,come back here and list what you found.After you list the tools you found,I will in return,list at least 3 other areas that used those same tools to erect their complexes,and are not a mystery to anyone.Also you said softer rock cutting harder rock.....that's not how it was done.Copper chisles and stone mallets........thats not what they used.Wood splitting......sorry,you're wrong again.The only thing you did get semi-correct is they did use ropes here and there.Just like at the Great Pyramid and just like at Easter Island.Please say they didn't use ropes and wood sleds and I will be forced to assume you are an eighth grader who snuck onto you're mom's laptop after she went to bed.Just look up the tools used and please,please,please don't use the History channel as a reference.Go to reputable sites and do you're research.
To Franco
Posted by Ed on 2012-10-11 13:50:06
I was getting ready to respond to that fool when I saw you're great comment....thank you and well said!!!People forget that religion was very different hundreds and thousands of years ago.Back in the day,people didn't just go to church,it wasnt that simple.
To wow
Posted by child on 2012-10-11 17:13:27
I didn't say the stoneworking was done in any of the ridiculous ways I mentioned. They were from previous posts on this page. And I wasn't really talking about how the complexes were built but specifically, the intricate carving of the stones themselves. (sorry, thought it was clear) By modern engineering standards the carving is as close to perfect as one would want to get and if we were to duplicate the carving today, we would need high speed drills with composite or diamond tips. (Just the layout and the engineering behind it is beyond the pale. However, I'm not saying intelligence levels of the day were not up to it) It could be done with modern lasers but vitrification of the cut surfaces would not be a match to the precise and clean results seen on the site. The perfect inside corners, angles, and inside cuts are extremely difficult even for modern day techonology, hence me saying that the carving is technologically out of date. (There are high speed rotational tool marks on ancient statues in Egypt as well) Again, whether aliens or a heretofore undiscovered technologically advanced race of humans, who cares? To consider the carving to have been done with the available technology of the day borders on the sublime. Pseudo-intellectualism is not a subtitute for intelligence...
To Wow, again
Posted by child on 2012-10-12 12:50:41
Andesite is rated as a 6 on the MOHS Hardness Scale; the same hardness of granite. It would be extremely difficult, even by todays standards, to carve the inside corners and perfect angles found at the site. The lines/angles and, more importantly, the perfect reproduction of the same line/angle, over and over, point more to machining techniques than to freehand carving with the simple tools of the time. The best freehanded stone craftsman of our day could not even begin to reproduce this carving, let alone duplicate it perfectly. "Techonologically out of date" describes the carving of the Puma Punku stones perfectly. I'll leave the "who" to others...
Posted by Ed on 2012-10-14 02:59:48
Hey child,where in Gods name are you getting you're information?I know andesite is tough for you to pronounce,but to say it's as strong as granite,is utterly stupid.All andesite is,is volcanic rock.Ever been to Hawaii?Probably not,but all that hard stuff on the ground down close to the beaches....andesite.Also,please look up the Surya Hindu Temple in India,built in 1026 AD,with the same exact tools that were available at pumapunku,with a hundred times more detailed stone work.Everybody knows humans did that sun temple,now compare the sun temple to pumapunku and tell me please that aliens did that too.For real,you all are f*ckin idiots.The other guy up there commented that there are signs of vitrification at that one site,when six doctors have came back and said there is No signs of heated sand anywhere on that site.You asshole have to stop using Ancient Aliens as a reference to the Ancient Aliens theory.It's like proving Scientology is true by quoting Tom Cruise,it's an endless circle of bullshit,come on people.
Close minded fools
Posted by Smitty McGee on 2012-10-14 18:17:28
None of you site legitimate sources for your debunking claims of the show. You give your own opinions or site some unknown reference as the truth that we should all adhere too. And if we don't subscribe we're idiots and morons. Yet the show never calls people idiots for not considering these as possible happenings in our past. The fact that some of you are SOOO angry in your debunkings of the show proves to me how stupid a species we still are. We still have a long way to go. 150 years ago you would have gawked and scorned an America where a African American was president or where women all have the right to vote. You would have laughed at flying machines that dropped bombs that could blow up the earth. Every generation has people like you... and you're usually the people that never own up when proven wrong. You deny your blatant and rude skepticism just like the racists of the 60's that beat on civil rights protesters. I bet you top dollar not one of them would ever admit today that they were on the wrong side of the civil rights struggle. So please take the show for what it is. It's just theories. Most of the people on the show leave it open for interpretation so that jerks like you won't criticize them ...and normal people can make their own decisions about what sounds plausible. Please know that your negativity does nothing to move us forward. Instead it's successfully kept us in the dark ages for centuries. Therfore until we've explored every planet, created a time machine or have 100% scholary proven evidence presented to us that ALL these claims are false and that we all evolved from Apes to Space Travellers in a million or so years, please please please STFU!!!
Another Thing
Posted by Smitty McGee on 2012-10-14 19:07:44
I challenge skeptics to please go line by line and prove everything on the show to be false. No one will ever do that. NO ONE. Why?? Because they can't! There are a ton of things that we DO NOT have the answer to. Which leaves it wide open for THEORIES!!! And that's the whole point of the show. To put forth evidence that is the result of resarch and writings. It's up to you to decided. And That's the best part. The debunkers have the hardest job because they are the ones that need to do research to prove these things wrong. Yet most of the arrogant and entitled so called scholars just simply turn their nose up at it. They take positions that are results of studies that very well could be dated. If this Ancient Alien stuff really were true.. than it could be the MOST important find in the history of MAN. Yet the scientific and scholarly community would rather sit back in their lazy chairs and scoff and scorn rather than activily go out and debunk these things. If they are fake then those who propose those things to trick us should be debunked and disgraced. Why are our so called scholars not doing this??? How much more could we learn if these scholars put forth a massive effort to prove these theories right or wrong??? The whole thing smells of Good Ole Boy politics to me. Even if one of our respected scholars agreed with this, they'd be so highly ridiculed by the majority that they'd lose credibility and be Ostracized from their peers . Therefore it works as a perfect tactic to scare people into going with the flow and calling it all fake. If your life or career is going to be ruined why would you speak out??? It makes me wonder more and more if some people on this planet know more than what they are telling us. And will do anything.. and I mean anything to keep it surpressed. Deny, Refute, Deny etc. I'm glad Im no scholar or threat to anyone's I just like the show and I ponder sometimes that maybe some of the xfiles type stuff has some validity to it. But how could we ever know? We have too many other things to worry about. We have to take care of all our little petty comforts and dramas. Sometimes we seem like so many sheep, hopping the fence every time someone counts.........
Wow, maturity run rampant!
Posted by child on 2012-10-15 16:25:22
When you go back to school tomorrow ask your little teachers what the Mohs scale of harness is. Then, if you don't have a seizure, look up granite and andesite. (By the sounds of your silly little rant, you may also want to try a drug re-hab while you're at it.) Alas, I will not be returning to this site to see your frenetic reply, as frankly, you are boring. Now go have some milk and take a little nap... Hopefully your youthful vitriol will be spent so you can spare your betters your unmitigated drivel.
Mangia e state ziti = eat and shut up
Posted by Punku - Punku on 2012-10-21 03:04:43
We Are ALL Devine. We ARE GOD. Terrestrial or extra terrestrial. We are part of ONE SAME FABRIC.
Posted by wheresproof on 2012-10-22 15:13:29
The fact that the History channel says the ruins of pumapunku are 15 thousand years old when carbon dating shows they are really 1500 years old, basically debunks the entire series for me and makes me not want to even consider anything else they claim. Get the dates right and don't make crap up, life is too short for lame hoaxes.
Ancient aliens debunked
Posted by hoping1965 on 2012-10-22 23:58:12
Take the time to view ancient aliens debunked 3 hour documentary by Chris White that addresses the ancient alien theorists' main arguments. He does not bother with many of the ridiculous shows such as ancient aliens and bigfoot etc...He debunks the pumapunka theory first which will quickly catch your attention and have you no longer wasting time watching the ancient aliens series.
Posted by Mike on 2012-10-24 02:24:09
You are a complete buffoon. You say something is not but do not offer what you know it is.
Ancient Aliens Is A Joke
Posted by Historian on 2012-10-24 15:57:57
Ancient Aliens Debunked:


After watching these, its really hard to take Ancient Aliens serious. You'll see it all a line of BS.
F Words
Posted by Yeah Wight on 2012-11-06 17:30:34
Faith, Facts, Fame, Fun, Fallacie... should I go on?

What about "The UFO Menace". I specialy like the part about this alien civilization more advanced than ours, by 15 minutes, which was good for keepinh apointments.
Posted by Ed on 2012-11-07 22:55:48
ALL YALL CAN SUCK MY ANCIENT DANGLY THEORY TIL IT SQUIRTS SOME KNOWLEDGE IN AND ON YOUR f*ckIN HEAD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################3OH YEAH STOP STOP STOP...........................................................................................................RIGGHT THERE YOU GEL HAIRED FREAK........................OH GEORGIO,YEAH,PLAY WITH THE PUMA PUNKU ##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################3
Posted by Ed on 2012-11-07 23:01:10
oH yEAH mmY pUmA pUnKU IS SWOLLEN AND RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aliens may be out there, but they didn't help us build stone.
Posted by James on 2012-12-06 13:51:30
Every time I hear somebody say that ancient man couldn't have built this, or erected that, I direct them to locate the videos of a hobbyist in Michigan who erects giant stones in his backyard for fun. He'll also move your entire garage or house by himself if you ask nicely.I'm pretty sure he's a plumber by trade, but he's figured out basic leverage all on his own time, and shown that one man, working by himself, could have erected some of the larger stone structures out there, given enough time.
Watch this movie!
Posted by Anonymous on 2012-12-29 14:07:23
I urge anyone who believes in the ancient alien theory's to watch this video it thoroughly disproves everything they say in the series while still presenting both sides of the argument. please watch this!
Series is bullshit
Posted by Somebody on 2013-01-30 15:53:29
This show is typical of 21 century "science". Just add some speculation to a story, mix some numbers in it and you get "research". Darwin replaced rigorous fact-finding with speculation (the Finches on Galapagos are a nice example). This crazy speculation has now spilled into SETI and Astrobiology. Time to delete shit.
Posted by Mack on 2013-03-16 01:17:37
What's up with all the ignorant skeptics? Too close minded to look at both sides equally. Most of the evidence the skeptics have put out on this forum makes a lot less sense then the theories they are trying to debunk. It's way more likely that aliens exist then God, but people have been brainwashed for so long that they don't see the contradictions in religion. Bottom line is, using common sense and being truly open minded, evidence points more toward aliens visiting us then not. Sad but most of these skeptics don't have a clue to the how much evidence exists. What's more likely, thousands of coincidences or one thing that can tie it all together.
Posted by Craig on 2013-04-24 17:37:47
You need to wrap your text. Or change something so that shows up correctly in firefox. It runs off the side for about 10 screens worth and is impossible to read the way it is.
It is evidence...
Posted by Tomi on 2013-06-06 13:16:11
Well I'd just like to say that 'Puma Punku' is just one prime example of unexplainable archeology, that can only REALLY be explained by highly advanced technology/machinery.

Another GREAT example would be from Peru, Ollantaytambo, at the 'Temple of Condor'.
This case is from S3E6.
What can be seen on a side of a cliff, is enormous slabs of stone were cut from the cliff with extreme accuracy. The corners aren't sharp but rounded, the rock feels smooth, verification appears to have taken place, and at bottom of the alcove there are perfect crisscross patterns. Must I say these 'formations' are older than any one of us?

It's obvious, but with so many critics out there, I just wonder, is there any point in connecting the dots, if more plausible excuses can be mustered than answers?

There is so MUCH more unexplainable phenomena out there.
To say that the show that opens our minds is "shocking and profoundly depressing"... well...then I have to agree with you, that I as well, "despair for the future of our civilization", because of closed minded individuals like yourself.

Everywhere I read, I hear about how unreliable 'von D'niken' is. Well guess what, von D'niken did not make or create these things. Just because he himself may be an unreliable person, cannot explain how unreliable these phenomena are, and to say so is blasphemy.
Who CARES what he says, these phenomena are astounding just because of their existence. Theories of an ancient alien landing pad? I don't care! These lines are remarkable and should be investigated more!
That's just my argument, the 'Nazca lines' never really brought out much interest in me.

P.S. you not a very good critic.

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