Five Democratic Senators Sell Out Their Constitutients On Health
Posted by Pile
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Yesterday, five Democratic United States Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont), Kent Conrad (D-ND), Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark), Bill Nelson (D-Fla) and Tom Carper (D-Del) voted against the a proposal to put a government administered public option in the health reform bill that will come out of the Senate Finance Committee.
Why would these five Democratic senators vote against their constitutients and what at least 81% of the American people want? I can give you 19 million reasons... |
| Americans support the notion of a government administered health insurance plan by a margin of 65% to 26%. According to the same poll, people who identify themselves as Democrats favor the public option by a margin of 81% to 12%. That's nearly 7 to 1 in favor of, yet the representatives of the Democrat party in the Senate Finance Committee only voted for the public option at a ratio of 8 to 5. Perhaps the most interesting number revealed by this poll is that Republican voters favor the public option 47% to 42%.
So why can't the people's representatives in Washington get behind the public option? Specifically, why can't these five Democrats get behind it when 81% of people in their party want the option. The answer I'd like to hear is that less than 50% of the voters they represent back home oppose the public option so they're voting on behalf of their constituents, however, the numbers we see in the NYT/CBS poll make that extremely unlikely. So if that's not the reason, what is? One likely answer is money. Look at the amount of money the health industry has pumped into these five Democrat's coffers:
Max Baucus got $7,734,102, Blanche Lincoln received $4,190,592, Ken Conrad took in $3,287,891, Bill Nelson was given $2,414,895 and Tom Carper accepted $1,592,380 from health industry interests.
If money is the reason these five Democrats rejected the public option, then it only took a little over 19 million dollars over 20 years to buy the five votes the health insurance industry needed to kill any meaningful reform to their industry.
19 million dollars is nothing compared to the profits the insurance industry will make if a public option is defeated. They got a great deal for that 19 million. The american people? Not so much. | details | |
Posted by Anonymous on 2009-11-14 06:13:45 | Does anyone see yet why our system doesn't really work that well? |
Mr. Posted by Joe E. Hudson on 2009-12-23 08:27:00 | BUY A DEMOCRAT. 30 PIECES OF SILVER WILL DO IT, AND YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN JUDAS GOAT. |