Team America: World Police

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The newest movie put out by Southpark creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone has opened in theaters. Reviews seem to be spanning the gamut from great to lame. What's your review of the movie?

A good compendium of reviews can be found here.


Rober Ebert says this
Posted by Pile on 2004-10-17 15:51:04
If I were asked to extract a political position from the movie, I'd be baffled. It is neither for nor against the war on terrorism, just dedicated to ridiculing those who wage it and those who oppose it. The White House gets a free pass, since the movie seems to think Team America makes its own policies without political direction.

I wasn't offended by the movie's content so much as by its nihilism. At a time when the world is in crisis and the country faces an important election, the response of Parker, Stone and company is to sneer at both sides -- indeed, at anyone who takes the current world situation seriously. They may be right that some of us are puppets, but they're wrong that all of us are fools, and dead wrong that it doesn't matter.
- Ebert, Chicago Sun Times

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