Carlos Mencia Kicked Off Mardi Gras Parade

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[Mean People]
The Krewe of Orpheus reneigned on their invitation to have Carlos Mencia reign as celebrity grand marshall in their 2009 Mardi Gras parade, when, within 24 hours of making the announcement they were made aware of the racist and obnoxious jokes he made about Katrina survivors in 2005, where among other things he said, "I'm glad Hurricane Katrina happened. It taught us an important lesson: black people can't swim."

No word yet if Joe Rogan will fill in. Let's hope so.

Comedian Carlos Mencia was yanked Thursday from a Mardi Gras parade?s list of celebrity riders for jokes made about Hurricane Katrina.

That's according to Krewe of Orpheus officials who on Wednesday announced Mencia as one of about a dozen celebrity guests slated to ride in this year's parade, which rolls through New Orleans on Feb. 23, the night before Mardi Gras.

But Orpheus Captain Sonny Borey said in a statement Thursday that the club became aware of "certain remarks Mr. Carlos Mencia has made in regards to New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina."

Borey said Mencia would not be riding because "our krewe is very sensitive to the feelings of our community and the way our city is viewed."

Borey did not provide details about what the comic said, but a clip of Mencia making jokes about Katrina victims in a standup routine can be found on the Web site YouTube.

Besides riding on one of the parade's 35 floats, Mencia had been scheduled to perform at the Orpheus ball after the parade.


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