Black Friday Consumers Trample Wal-Mart Employee

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A Wal-Mart worker died after being trampled when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island store Friday morning, police and witnesses said.

The 34-year-old worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.

Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him.



What Has Become of "US"
Posted by LisaLisaLisa on 2008-11-29 08:07:13
When I heard bout this, I just thought...what has become of us......where does it all end...what will one do to get a "CHRISTmas" bargain.....and the old saying comes to mind....What would Jesus we in America have lost the whole idea of what Christmas is so commericalism and materialistic it's sick. Does anyone ever stop to think how wasteful we are and how our kids "demand" certain things on their lists? Now this poor man's family has to deal with his death and their Christmas is ruined for many years to come...all over running to beat someone else out of some kindof "bargain deal". How sick we all have become...............We all need to look inside of ourselves and think about this.......
it defines us
Posted by anonymous coward on 2008-12-02 15:00:41
we put a human life low enough on the scale of our values that we can thread on it for the sake of spending money
Posted by Anonymous on 2009-03-27 08:51:28
And they all got away with it. More proof that customers are assholes.

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