The Audacity of Political Advertising

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We're nearing election day and all the networks are getting rich running political advertising... We decided to take a look at both camps' offerings.

John McCain compares himself to Teddy Roosevelt and suggests he never gives up (unless he's tortured, then he tells his captors his dad is an Admiral):

John McCain says everyone of us is "Joe the plumber" (making $250,000 a year income apparently):

Barak Obama says we have some work to do:

John McCain guarantees no more terrorist attacks if you elect him:

Obama hits back:

McCain suggests Obama and the "congressional liberals" are responsible for the financial crisis:

But what about McCain's association with the S&L crisis?

John McCain wants to rebuild your life savings and reduce your taxes (apparently this commercial is only meant to be seen by those making $250 grand a year):

Obama counters with a detailed infomercial showing what happens to several different families:


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