McCain Picks Alaskan Governor As Running Mate

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By now, everybody has heard the various rumors... this pro-life, pro-abstinence conservative moral crusader, Sarah Palin is the GOP VP candidate. Who apparently has a 17 year old daughter who is 5 months pregnant out of wedlock, who also has a 4 month old baby with Downs Syndrome she apparently thinks won't mind her diversion as Vice President.

It makes you wonder if the GOP is testing the degree to which they can foist just about any idea upon the populace and make it swim...

Then again, we here at BSAlert think this is an ingenious plan to divert criticism away from John McSame during the election process.

Republican John McCain said Tuesday he's satisfied that Sarah Palin's background was properly checked out before the Alaska governor joined the Republican ticket.

"The vetting process was completely thorough and I'm grateful for the results," McCain told reporters as he toured a Philadelphia fire house.

Questions about the review came up after news surfaced that Palin's unmarried teenage daughter, Bristol, is pregnant, and that the Alaska governor has retained a private attorney to represent her in an investigation into the firing of the state public safety commissioner.

The lawyer who conducted the background review said Palin voluntarily told McCain's campaign about Bristol's' pregnancy, and about her husband's 2-decade-old DUI arrest during questioning as part of the vice presidential search process.

The Alaska governor also greatly detailed the dismissal of the state's public safety commissioner that has touched off a legislative investigation, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. told The Associated Press in an interview Monday.

Palin underwent a "full and complete" background examination before McCain chose her as his running mate, Culvahouse said. Asked whether everything that came up as a possible red flag during the review already has been made public, he said: "I think so. Yeah, I think so. Correct."


The Huffington post also asks, What if Bristol Palin were black? Would the Republicans lay off of this issue?


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