John McCain Suggests The Perfect Father's Day Gift

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I honestly don't want to be harping on McCain, really, but this was too amusing to not post... and it may end up removed by the time people find out about it so we archived a copy here.

The best part is the product reviews...

Not just for picking divots June 9, 2008
Reviewer: John Mc John from BOULDER, CO United States

There we were on the 17th green when a bedbug-ridden bearded terrorist leaped from the hole screaming godless gibberish. My pitiful peace-loving liberal partners grabbed their balls and ran, leaving me alone with only my John McCain equipment for defense. I slung my ball bag at his head and leaping atop the mangy rascal jammed my stiff club down his throat, finally finishing him off by jerking my McCain brand divot picker up his misshapen nose. Thank you, John McCain for giving me the courage to fight!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

John McCain 2008 Golf Gear June 9, 2008
Reviewer: Meta What from Washington, DC United States

Because entitlement knows no bounds

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

Excellent product!!

June 9, 2008
Reviewer: Francis Ballsnutstein from Montgomery, AL United States

This is by far one of the finest purchases I have made in recent years! I'm thrilled to be participating in history, owning a product labeled with a name of real importance! The quality of said product is truly above and beyond the norm, and is indicative of the pure quality of McCain. I think it's fantastic that I can still golf like Tiger Woods, and not live in misery and sadness over something I have nothing to do with, and I don't even have to complain about it like some pansy on the internet. Life is wonderful, McCain is second only to Jesus. I sure do hope the homes of everyone that votes for Obama gets bulldozed and pushed into Mexico where they all belong : )

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'll be out golfing while the democrats sit at home whining in public forums where no one will hear them! Enjoy your virginity, kids! It's going to last you a lifetime. Oh, and I hope World of Warcraft crashes on you.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

My Message June 9, 2008
Reviewer: Barry Hussein Obama from Chicago, Illinois

Rev. Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Michael Pfleger and all my other buddies tell me this golf pack is the one to buy when I get in the White House!!!

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

Thank You John for the reminder...

June 9, 2008
Reviewer: from Northern Minnesota

That we don't need to sacrifice anything...if we don't golf, the terrorists have won. In order to keep the economy strong, we need to support places which purchase pesticides and herbicides...fouling the waters, killing birds...Jesus is returning and he's going to be angry if we're not out golfing in times like these...having dominion over the earth and ruining an otherwise beautiful walk in the woods.

(And let's continue to torture the detainees...remember all the reliable information it elicited from you...maybe we can get them to make radio broadcasts)

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

Wow! What a great product! McCain is a hero!!! June 9, 2008

Reviewer: Bob Sacamano from Boulder, CO United States

Wow, John McCain is such a maverick! He's totally breaking free from George Bush on this one. How can people honestly say that a McCain presidency would just be an extension of Bush? Bush isn't playing golf in respect for the thousands of soldiers he's sent to death in Iraq, McCain just doesn't give a fsck! He's exactly the kind of leader this country needs. He'll get our country back on the track, starting by bom bom bombing Iran, those godless heathen.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

McCain Golf Pack

June 9, 2008
Reviewer: Bill Brill from Pensacola, FL United States

I never cottoned to the idea that I should give up my Wednesday golf game just because there's a war on. Our Commander in Chief has already made this sacrifice for us, turning in his clubs out of respect for the 4,000+ families who welcomed home a corpse, rather than their serviceman or servicewoman. So let's hit the links! And what better way than with a John McCain golf bag? Nothing better identifies you with the wealthy, graying elite than zipping your balls behind the proud McCain brand.

Original source: Source

It's also worth noting that McCain's webmaster violated the Terms of Service for the shopping cart software they're using:

Shopping Cart Powered by Volusion.


Made in the USA!
Posted by Glis on 2008-06-09 20:22:03
Sweet, a textile product made in the USA! Definitely not slave/prison labor... noooo...
What a hyppocrite! He's supported about every bill ever to empower FPI and let 'Made in USA' be put on goods made for > dollar an hour in a prison.

How great would it be if this crap was made by FPI? I wish someone would find out.

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