Lifelock Pitch Man Becomes Victim Of Identity Theft

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Hey, remember that guy, Todd Davis, CEO of Lifelock who was so confident in his company's ability to protect people from identity theft that he published his social security number? Ooops!

Todd Davis has dared criminals for two years to try stealing his identity: Ads for his fraud-prevention company, LifeLock, even offer his Social Security number next to his smiling mug.

Now, Lifelock customers in Maryland, New Jersey and West Virginia are suing Davis, claiming his service didn't work as promised and he knew it wouldn't, because the service had failed even him.

Attorney David Paris said he found records of other people applying for or receiving driver's licenses at least 20 times using Davis' Social Security number, though some of the applications may have been rejected because data in them didn't match what the Social Security Administration had on file.

Davis acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that his stunt has led to at least 87 instances in which people have tried to steal his identity, and one succeeded: a guy in Texas who duped an online payday loan operation last year into giving him $500 using Davis' Social Security number.

Paris said the fact Davis' records were compromised at all supports the claim that Tempe, Ariz.-based LifeLock doesn't provide the comprehensive protection its advertisements say it does.

''It's further evidence of the ineffectiveness of the services that LifeLock advertises,'' said Paris, who is lead attorney on the three new lawsuits, the latest of which was filed this month.

Davis learned about the fraud in Texas when the payday-loan outfit called to collect on the loan, he said. He didn't get an alert beforehand because the company didn't go through one of the three major credit bureaus before approving the transaction.


Like Nelson on The Simpsons says:
Posted by jack alexander on 2008-06-17 21:11:57
Ha! Ha!

Here I'm sure we'd say roflmao!
Posted by Cyclonus on 2008-11-13 12:15:28
Wondered why I haven't seen those commercials anymore. No matter what you do to try to protect yourself there are people who try to still get you. But LMAO thats what he gets. Surprised more people haven't tried to screw over Tood Davis.
Posted by Anonymous on 2010-12-09 08:26:29
The Best Protection needs Legal Aid
Posted by Not Tod Davis on 2011-01-10 05:56:06
The best protection is a wall of security! There needs to also be proactive solutions... visit: and know that RESTORATION is peace of mind. and once you visit there be sure to get a membership from

http://www.GuardedID.TK This will also allow you to encrypt protect every keystroke too!


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