The safest way to run Windows is on a Mac!

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Using Windows is no fun at the best of times, but the never ending plagues of viruses, worms and spyware, are so bad that it may be that the best thing to do is junk that PC and move to the Mac. Using Virtual PC, you don't even have to run Mac OS X! According to Microsoft, the safest way to run Windows is under emulation on a Mac.

Here's what Microsoft's own Knowledge Base article no. 828574 advises: "When you run a virtual machine in Virtual PC for Mac, the operating system that is installed on the virtual machine may be vulnerable to attacks by Windows-based viruses if the virtual machine is configured to connect to the Internet directly through Virtual Switch networking.

In Virtual Switch networking mode, the Windows operating system directly connects to the Internet. As a result, it may be vulnerable to attacks from Windows-based viruses and other malicious programs.

If the Windows operating system is connecting to the Internet by using Shared Networking, it is in fact connecting through the Macintosh operating system and the Macintosh networking connections. This type of connection can help protect your operating system from network-based virus attacks.


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