US Tells Turky To Withdraw And Not Violate Iraq's Sovereignty

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Turkey must limit its military operations against Kurdish guerrillas in northern Iraq to days or a couple of weeks rather than months, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday, claiming that Turkey's incursion is a violation of Iraq's sovereignty.

I wish I was making this stuff up.

Gates, who is due to meet Turkish officials in Ankara on Thursday, said Turkey should not rely on military action alone in dealing with guerrillas in the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), but also find ways to improve economic and social conditions.

"It's very important that the Turks make this operation as short as possible and then leave, and to be mindful of Iraqi sovereignty," Gates told reporters in New Delhi on Wednesday before leaving for Ankara.

"I measure quick in terms of days, a week or two, something like that. Not months," he said.

On Tuesday, Iraq condemned Turkey's incursion into northern Iraq and demanded an immediate end to what it called a violation of its sovereignty.

Thousands of Turkish troops crossed the border on Thursday in a major offensive against PKK rebels, who have been fighting for decades to create a Kurdish homeland in southeast Turkey.

Ankara said it was forced to launch the attack after Iraqi and U.S. authorities failed to stop an estimated 3,000 PKK members from using northern Iraq as a base to stage deadly attacks against soldiers and civilians inside Turkey.



Posted by Glis on 2008-03-04 17:19:25
I also wish you were making this up...
Posted by Spelling Nazi on 2008-03-08 11:53:27
Please change it to TURKEY. That's bothering me. Thanks.

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