Fred Phelps' Cult Ordered To Turn Over Financial Records

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The Westboro Baptist Church is being told to hand over its financial data as it fights paying a $5 million court judgment, after picketing a soldier's funeral.

U.S. District Judge Richard D. Bennett in Baltimore Thursday ordered two members of the church to appear at a March 6 hearing.

He asked them to bring certified financial statements of the church's assets and other financial holdings.

The Topeka-based church regularly pickets across the country at the funerals of members of the armed forces, claiming their deaths are God's punishment for the nation's tolerance for homosexuality.

Bennett ordered the church to pay $5 million to Albert Snyder after church members picketed the 2006 funeral of his son.



Posted by Sexie Corndog on 2008-02-25 14:17:02
"GOD BLEW UP THE SHUTTLE" and "GOD HATES AMERICA" God is just busy at the moment. he's got a hard job. you can't expect everything to go perfectly!!! i know it isn't fair. but LIFE ISN'T FAIR!!!! i can't believe some one would say that about God!!! things happen for a reason!!
Interestingly enough...
Posted by Control on 2008-09-11 01:25:35
their position is supported by scripture.

Of course, they pick and choose what to read...but isn't that what all Christians do?

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