Why You Should Always Install It Yourself
Posted by wizeGurl
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It seems that a man in Pennsylvania brought his computer in to Circuit City so that he could have a new DVD burner installed. It was when the techs went to test the new burner, searching for video files to make a test burn, that they discovered the child pornography videos on the hard drive.... |
| Basically, this guy...wait, his name is Sodomsky? You have to be kidding me. Anyway, he apparently didn't realize that bringing a computer with kiddie porn on the hard drive, and asking technicians to poke around in it, might not be a good idea. The techs called the cops, and the cops picked up Mr. Sodomsky when he came back for his computer.
Silly man...I'll bet he didn't know there are other ways of storing large files that don't require a DVD burner, that can be used to keep move your files somewhere safe until you get your DVD burner installed.
So remember folks! Take incriminating evidence off your computer before handing it over to total strangers for maintenance and upgrades. The guys down at Circuit City are neither priests nor lawyers, and they have no obligation to keep your files private. In fact, they're probably making copies of those naked photos of your girlfriend right now. | Source. | |
This web site sucks Posted by This web site sucks on 2007-12-26 13:53:21 | Any other tips for child molestors? |