When is a dress not a dress? When it's a vending machine.

Posted by Pile (12454 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Let's say you're a young woman wandering the streets of Tokyo at night and you're threatened by some miscreant. What to do? Well, if said miscreants are dumber than a three dollar bill, a Japanese inventor has got just the thing for you. Check this out:

That's right...it's a dress that magically converts into a highly convincing (or, er, not) fake vending machine! You can use it on the subway, while hitchhiking, at the rock concert, in bars...anyplace young women might face unwanted attention, because vending machines blend in anywhere!

You had better hope to God that, thwarted by your ingenious disguise (because I'm sure that Japan has vending machines with feet all over the place), some street punks don't feel the need to relieve their thirst with some delicious Coca-Cola.


LoL thats kinda cool
Posted by Great Moriarty on 2007-12-20 06:15:38
haha thats kinda a neat little thing

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