CNN dances around Gallup poll controversy

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[Dubious Research]
Polls. Polls. Polls. Are you sick of them yet? Are you sick of being told what you think and who you're voting for? And who are these people whom these polls claim to represent?

If you've ever questioned the dubious nature of how these Gallup and other polls are created, you're not alone. recently took out a full page ad in the NY Times calling into serious doubt the methods and intent of the Gallup organization. They're specifically claiming the Bush-Kerry polls are deliberately skewed to make it appear that Bush is in the lead when in reality, things are not this way.

CNN, being one of Gallup's customers, apparently didn't take this too well, and instead of legitimately reporting the story, launched a spinfest dismissing critics' claims on the legitimacy of Gallup's polling methods with no opposing commentary and an ultimate "trust us - we know what we're doing"-type explanation.

USA Today is also another customer of Gallup who uses the polls. Will they not appropriately report on the issue either? We'll see. In the meantime, as if you really needed more incentive, the smart money says the Gallup polls are...BS!


Posted by Carbon scam on 2012-10-13 08:18:41
Also-Get-up is BS, Another George sorros sponsored walk down the garden path.For you dumbed down Americans (ALL) Corrupt roads lead to . . . Yes the Evil queen. Oh mark those words! Oh and see if you can get your constitution back from the Zionist Bitch. Have a gr8 day :)

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