Donate To The Conservatives? Are You Crazy? Oh, Yeah, You Are
Posted by ueberbill
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[Bad Parents]
A man who gave everything he had in his will to the UK's Conservative Party was crazy. And I don't mean that he was crazy to give all of his worldly goods to conservatives, although I certainly would like to. No, this guy was totally f*cking nuts. |
Branislav Kostic, a British national from Belgrade, loved Margaret Thatcher. A lot. He declared her to be "the greatest leader of the free world in history," which is pretty high praise indeed. Of course, he also said that she would save the world from the "satanic monsters and freaks." Okay, that's kind of where the wheels come of the wagon. Kostic's son Zoran (a name that one could see being given to a satanic monster, if you think about it) disputed the 8.3 million pound bequest his father gave to the Conservative Party (also known as the Tories, if you remember your Johny Tremain) on the grounds that his father had become a complete nutjob by the time he wrote this will. The High Court of England was inclined to agree, and in their judgement said that Kostic would not have left the money to the Tories if he had been "of sound mind"--and so taking the millions out of the Tories' coffers and giving it back to crazy Kostic's son, as stipulated in an earlier will made in a more lucid period of his life. After his victory, the son Zoran (who, we can't stress enough, is NOT a satanic monster) released the statement that "in the grip of his delusions, my father turned to the Conservative Party for help to fight the conspiracy that he imagined." Finally, a reason for the political success of the conservatives in our own country--mental illness on a massive scale. |
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Posted by hmn on 2007-10-15 14:54:18 | You'd have to be crazy to donate to Conservative parties (in their current form) in at least two of the three North American countries. But I'd have to know more before agreeing with you on the UK. This guy not withstanding, of course. |
Posted by CORNDOG on 2007-10-30 09:24:43 | IMA WANGSTER!!!! And I love pillow!! |