Lewd Behavior in a Bathroom--Greater New Orleans Style!
Posted by wizeGurl
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Not content with letting Idaho Senator Larry Craig get all the glory, a St. Bernard Parish Councilman has withdrawn from the upcoming election, in which he was running for a State Senate seat, citing "health reasons." Turns out the health reasons involve a couple of embarassing incidents of alleged lewd behavior in public bathrooms.
Way to go, St. Bernard Parish! Thanks for proving that gay bathroom-trolling Republican politicians aren't just a yankee phenomenon. |
| The Times-Picayune has released a story detailing Joey DiFatta's two brushes with the law, both involving mall bathrooms in Jefferson Parish, in the New Orleans suburbs of Kenner and Metairie. The Kenner incident, which took place in 1996 in the Esplanade Mall, is described as a "peeping tom" type of offense. The Metairie incident, taking place in the Dillards bathroom in the Lakeside Mall in 2000, should sound fairly familiar now, what with all the toe-tapping, foot-bumping, under-the-stall-reaching that we've all recently been made aware of.
The police reports make for some especially entertaining reading, so don't miss them.
While DiFatta was a conservative politician whose campaign included the promise to "protect our convervative values from attacks by extreme liberal groups," word on the blogs is that he at least wasn't much involved in virulent anti-gay legislation the way Larry Craig was, and he seems to have fought hard (no pun intended) for his constituents in St. Bernard Parish, which experienced even greater devastation from Hurricane Katrina than its neighbor New Orleans. (The Murphy Oil spill added crude oil to the 23+ feet of water that inundated some areas.) This makes it a tiny bit harder to enjoy this revelation of his hypocritical personal behavior. The area has suffered so much...it's a shame that now it gets to be the butt (sorry) of the jokes that will inevitably follow this as well. | The T-P story. | |